Can XF Increase PC Invite Numbers Please?

Anthony Parsons

Well-known member

Can XF increase the default invitee's for PC's from 5 please, as one example right now is that we are trying to invite those interested in a single sign-on solution into one PC, to discuss pricing, build, etc... yet we can't, as we're limited to 5, when there are more than this interested, all willing to chip in a bit to have an add-on built.

5 is a little limiting when trying to have development discussions and get further add-ons built for XF.

Could it please be increased to a more reasonable number to accommodate such discussions?

Even 10 would be nice... 5 is extremely limiting.
While you are at that ...
Could you enable attachments in PC? :) I have been messaging with some people for add-on development and I always have to upload screenshots in an external place, would be good to have it in the same conversation.

Yes, Anthony, I am piggybacking on your thread ;)
Good point Rigel...

Also yes... to, not the software. PC development is very difficult with 5 people maximum, and Rigels point also, about uploading would be good.
Yeah this makes it really hard for us to get all the people we need together in one place to discuss addons and other stuff.
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