XF 2.1 Can I widen .node-extra


Active member
It looks like .node-extra is set at 280px by default.

This cuts off some of our longer members names as seen here:

Screen Shot 2020-08-22 at 11.32.53 AM.png

It looks like if I change the 280 px to 300 or 320px in extra.less it solves this problem.

Am i creating problems elsewhere?

Edit: It looks like I could also hide

.node-extra-icon with display none.

Is that a better solution? Does that have other implications?
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OK another question. Member have been asking me to extend the character limit on member names from 15 to 18 characters. With this change, widening that field, I'm inclined to grant it.

If I do that, can I go in an edit a members screenname for them and all the posts and everything else will carry over? Meaning will it just be a change to an existing member or will it create a new member?
OK another question. Member have been asking me to extend the character limit on member names from 15 to 18 characters. With this change, widening that field, I'm inclined to grant it.

If I do that, can I go in an edit a members screenname for them and all the posts and everything else will carry over? Meaning will it just be a change to an existing member or will it create a new member?
It will just change the member name as displayed everywhere.

@Ozzy47 types faster than I do. :oops:
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