California Case Update

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I guess that shows be careful what you Tweet, you never know who watching. I just read part of that PDF and noticed the section we're Adrian took screenies of what Kier posted in Twitter way back in 2009. I would imagine that's around the same time Kier was hint dropping about something on Admin Addict, roughly. Just guessing?

It goes to show though that Internet Brands decided to watch Kier more or less right after leaving vBulletin.

But anyway, so Internet brands staff are running around take sceen-shots then eh! Take one of this I say then.


My picture's in the second PDF! .. then Kier posts some code :P
But Adrian bases his declaration on Kier looking at curly braces on a text editor... Hey, that could be C, or Object-C or C++ or Visual Basic of Java or PHP or ASP or... [enter more languages here]
The thing that makes his statement totally irrelevant is that developers often hone their skills during their free time. In fact, I was doing so just before I started reading this thread. Practice makes perfect and insinuating that Kier was working on XenForo just because he was coding after he left vBulletin is utter nonsense.
And some more documents. Order Declaration of Joseph Rosenblum Part 1 Declaration of Joseph Rosenblum Part II Declaration of David N. Tarlow Declaration of Jennifer Rundell Declaration of Adrian Harris Declaration of Lynn Tokeshi (Bruce Abramson - "Expert Witness" who has NOT reviewed the code, and is basing his opinions on abject nonsense derived completely from timeline events)
{Proof of Order} - I don't think we need to see this. Proposed Order - they want all of our informations (?)

Just goes to prove that their staff is currently distracted on the case and not focused on vBulletin. sigh
Are all these documents new and very recent? Or have they been knocking around for a while?
Right, interesting! I suppose this is Internet Brands reply to points 7-8 getting kicked out the other day I would assume.
Bruce Abramson... II ASSIGNMENT 'Because I received this request from Counsel early in the litigation, defendant has not yet produced discovery documents. I explicitly reserve the right to augment or amend my opinion at any time, as new information becomes available to me. ( Buy a copy you cheapskate. Did you not get paid enough money or is IB [VBSI] holding half your payment, as they do when they purchase forum sites.)

I am really pissed that Bruce Abramson has a copy of XenForo's CMS and I did not received one at purchase. This guy has no clue, as all one need is basic concept outline of anything to start from.... If you start out with what you know customers want, then you can simply improve it from that starting point. I can see that several similar ideas were in IPB and phpbb before vBulletin (Jelsoft at the time) even thought of it. This guy should take a look at IPB, as they have more options that are more similarl then Xenforo.

We do not have a CMS and any elementary student can point that out, as they do not need a M.S./Ph. D to see that.... Plus when was the last time Xenforo had an XSS flaw? Never.... I did try, but the most I got was to produce what appears to be an iframe (Even that was sporadic at best)

Maybe I should read over the document more carefully, as I may of read it wrong... Nah! I be a hater.... :D
I guess that shows be careful what you Tweet, you never know who watching. I just read part of that PDF and noticed the section we're Adrian took screenies of what Kier posted in Twitter way back in 2009. I would imagine that's around the same time Kier was hint dropping about something on Admin Addict, roughly. Just guessing?

It goes to show though that Internet Brands decided to watch Kier more or less right after leaving vBulletin.

But anyway, so Internet brands staff are running around take sceen-shots then eh! Take one of this I say then.

Yeah, those braces could be anything though. Also Kier saying he was working with code from 2003 could be anything as well too.
Right, interesting! I suppose this is Internet Brands reply to points 7-8 getting kicked out the other day I would assume.

It appears they are doing two things:

  • Burying the defendant in paperwork. Some of the paperwork, is simply laughable.
  • Cut off funds, and force them to produce client information. I see no reason why they need our information in the first place. If they get our personal information, gees... I wonder if we can do anything about it.
It appears they are doing two things:

  • Burying the defendant in paperwork. Some of the paperwork, is simply laughable.
  • Cut off funds, and force them to produce client information. I see no reason why they need our information in the first place. If they get our personal information, gees... I wonder if we can do anything about it.

I think EU residents are protected by EU law on this. A court has to grant data transfer out of the EU, which is unlikely, given that there is a court case here.
It appears they are doing two things:

  • Burying the defendant in paperwork. Some of the paperwork, is simply laughable.
  • Cut off funds, and force them to produce client information. I see no reason why they need our information in the first place. If they get our personal information, gees... I wonder if we can do anything about it.

They already have 90% of peoples information here, as most are either ex or current vB license owners. I still own a valid vB license that's not expired.
I guess that shows be careful what you Tweet, you never know who watching.
Well it's laughable, because it doesn't prove what exactly he was writing and for what purpose. It's not like he wasn't allowed to write code at all. What a waste of time and money this whole thing is.
I think it's laughable, the thought that Internet Brands are sneakily following Kier around taking screen-shot of what he says on the web. When they should be fixing bugs in vB4.

It sounds like a right old doodle working for IB. All you need for a job position is a screen-shot program. :LOL:
I think it's laughable, the thought that Internet Brands are sneakily following Kier around taking screen-shot of what he says on the web. When they should be fixing bugs in vB4.

It sounds like a right old doodle working for IB. All you need for a job position is a screen-shot program. :LOL:

Or to be able to press the print screen button on a keyboard?
I think EU residents are protected by EU law on this. A court has to grant data transfer out of the EU, which is unlikely, given that there is a court case here.

I'm wondering what US Caselaw would say about this. I see absolutely no reason for Internet Brands to gain access to customer information considering the case is not complete. What's not to say this is a cheap way of poaching customers for vBulletin?
I'm wondering what US Caselaw would say about this. I see absolutely no reason for Internet Brands to gain access to customer information considering the case is not complete. What's not to say this is a cheap way of poaching customers for vBulletin?

I would agree - I'm not familiar with Caselaw in the US, or indeed as it applies in CA, especially with antitrust.
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