California Case Update

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All I know is that we'll all be having a party when VB put their tail back between their legs and scour off into the darkest corner of the www, whilst the near remaining of their customers at that point make forth to Xenforo because in all that time, VB concentrated so hard on trying to steal others legitimate work instead of developing their own equitable software platform, unique from all else on the market, thus branding them a thoughtful, innovative, quality software development firm again, compared to what they have become now... pretty much sore losers!
Probably played by someone with an America accent too. :p

That the heck is an American accent?

Is it the cowboy accent from West Texas and Oklahoma where they still push cattle and sleep under the stars during roundup?
Is it the New York nasal twang that those of us in flyover country make fun of :)?
Is it the sexy sounding accent you might here when visiting the campus of Southern Mississippi?
Is it the accent found in Chicago where "over there" sounds like "obere dere"?
Is it the accent found in Minnesota?
Maybe it is the accent found in the swamps of Louisiana where Amos Moses came from?
The coasties have a wide variety of accents as well as those of us in fly over country.

We stole the English language then chopped it up, sliced it, diced it, mixed it up then the various parts of the country put it back together again. The various parts of the USA didn't have an instruction manual on putting it back together so it all came out a little different. Television and radio I think has started to make it more homogeneous but I reckon the language of TV is still a little alien to me since it came from over yonder.

Heck when I did the Appalachian Trail I heard forms of American English I had never heard before and some of it I had a hard time understanding.

And remember, Yall come back now, ya here.

I think from now on I will start typing out there in an American Accent.
That the heck is an American accent?

Is it the the cowboy accent from West Texas and Oklahoma where they still push cattle and sleep under the stars during roundup?
Is it the New York nasal twang that those of us in flyover country make fun of :)?
Is it the sexy sounding accent you might here when visiting the campus of Southern Mississippi?
Is it the accent found in Chicago where "over there" sounds like "obere dere"?
Is it the accent found in Minnesota?
Maybe it is the accent found in the swamps of Louisiana where Amos Moses came from?
The coasties have a wide variety of accents as well as those of us in fly over country.

We stole the English language then chopped it up, sliced it, diced it and mixed it up then the various parts of the country put it back together again.

Heck when I did the Appalachian Trail I heard forms of English I had never heard before and some of it I had a hard time understanding.
So true. Hell, I'm originally from Michigan. I lived on the east side for 10 years and the west side for 11 years. When I moved to the west, they said I talked funny. Now that I'm in D.C...I get sh!t all the time. lol
And remember, Yall come back now, ya here.

pardon me, but that's "y'all come back now, y'hea! "

I'm from the south, from an era before 3/4 of Florida didn't hail from NY, NJ, Mass, Michigan, Connecticut, Ohio, etc, when southerners spoke with just as much of an accent as anyone in Alabama, Georgia, or any other southern state. :)

When I talk to an online friend on the phone and they hear my accent, they inevitably say "where did you say you live??".
heheh, IN Ohio, FROM Florida.
and so on ................./end.

How about someone start accent thread and continue this all there so this thread can get back to track.
pardon me, but that's "y'all come back now, y'hea! "

I'm from the south, from an era before 3/4 of Florida didn't hail from NY, NJ, Mass, Michigan, Connecticut, Ohio, etc, when southerners spoke with just as much of an accent as anyone in Alabama, Georgia, or any other southern state. :)

When I talk to an online friend on the phone and they hear my accent, they inevitably say "where did you say you live??".
heheh, IN Ohio, FROM Florida.

I recon my y'hea is different because it is a bit further west. Oklahoma is more western southern, eastern southern is over yonder :)

Let's just be clear:

UK: Jelsoft & VBSI vs XenForo Ltd., Kier, Mike & Ashley

US: VBSI vs XenForo Ltd. & Kier

This is so confusing now! Ugh why'd a person directly involved with the suit have to go and post claification like this?!?!! no what can we debate for 23954 more pages?!?!@

I would assume that the others are covered under the DOES 1-10 in the US suit?
Or is there a different purpose for the DOES 1-10?

Oh that didn't take long...
Can we get back to the subject please?

The last page of posts has largely had nothing to do with the thread.
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