California Case Update

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Hmmm.... this news is hard to believe. The fact that VBSI brought a preliminary injunction more than 6 months after they knew about the "urgent problem" was highly unusual to begin with.

For those of you who don't know what an "injunction" is, it is a request for a court to do something that either restrains or permits something. In this case, VBSI was trying to claim that if XenForo wasn't stopped immediately, the damages would have been so devastating to almost render going through the case a needless exercise. For example, if you don't bring a lawsuit before a one of a kind priceless bottle of alcohol is drunk, then there is nothing a court can do to turn back the clock once imbibed or that a company had the right to a customer list but another party has stolen the list and is now migrating all of their customers to a service that is difficult to migrate to other providers. This never happens this late in the game because who will wait 6 months and then insist to the judge that he/she has to step in to stop a defendant - who has not yet been proven to have done anything wrong - from doing something such as selling their product to make a living? That's why the court has to also know that the plaintiff has a stupendous chance of winning the case before it can even consider granting the motion. Don't want to make such a drastic decision without good reason.

So here we are today and XenForo was about to put VBSI's witnesses under oath to talk details instead of vague claims without any actual proof. Understand that this motion for a preliminary injunction was not cheap - it cost serious bucks, perhaps more than some people make here in a year. The press release implies that questioning ("depositions") were also suddenly wiped away with the withdrawal of this motion. This means that IB's declarants (the people making statements and accusations under oath that you've read about) have temporarily escaped from having to answer questions regarding their accusations of copyright infringement, business practices, etc.

What is odd is that usually a plaintiff wants to get a case done as quickly as possible. The plaintiff comes to court saying "the defendant is screwing me - they are infringing upon my rights, stealing customers, etc." The longer it takes to settle the matter, the worse the situation gets. Here it seems the plaintiff is taking its time, filing motions, withdrawing them, etc. Perhaps this case may go on for another year, maybe two with the other case in the UK. The cost of these trials is astronomical.

That's what I see without drawing any firm conclusions. Take it FWIW.
Can't XF force the hearing on the preliminary injunction to move forward or at the least re-ask the court to dismiss the claims? At the least, I'm sure they can still compel the witnesses to testify?
So then this really just hits home, that IB are trying to bankrupt XF by making it financially difficult for them to continue in business. Is that about right?
I'd say so, but what plaintiff has done is interesting.
Well then... I don't need another license, but I just bought another just for the support to XF and to clearly state, up yours VB for all this nonsense. The more they keep it going, the more I will keep buying useless licenses for myself to show support to XF and kick VB back into the nasty little corner they came from with their current attitude.
Well then... I don't need another license, but I just bought another just for the support to XF and to clearly state, up yours VB for all this nonsense. The more they keep it going, the more I will keep buying useless licenses for myself to show support to XF and kick VB back into the nasty little corner they came from with their current attitude.

That is massively generous of you. You are an amazingly good guy. :)
Well then... I don't need another license, but I just bought another just for the support to XF and to clearly state, up yours VB for all this nonsense. The more they keep it going, the more I will keep buying useless licenses for myself to show support to XF and kick VB back into the nasty little corner they came from with their current attitude.

I have not moved yet but I think I will follow in your foot steps and do the same.
So basically they (IB) are trying to make a case on hype and not really disclose out of their mouths in front of a courtroom what they think XenForo et al are responsible for in plain english, tit for tat?

That's shocking.:rolleyes:
As TheLaw said, premmies are very expensive, so it doesn't really make sense to use this to drain XF then withdraw it.
As TheLaw said, premmies are very expensive, so it doesn't really make sense to use this to drain XF then withdraw it.

My guess they where stuck, no one wanted to actually take the stand, they could have blown the whole case right there if the right questions where asked, someone could have been nailed on perjury.
So then this really just hits home, that IB are trying to bankrupt XF by making it financially difficult for them to continue in business. Is that about right?
When a plaintiff draws out a case like this, it's usually a big money plaintiff and smaller defendant where the plaintiff hopes to force a settlement. My guess is that, at this point, if XF needs investors to continue they'd find someone easily to help them financially to make it through a lawsuit. Viability probably isn't an issue. And remember, if you're the plaintiff and don't win the battle (especially in the UK), then prepare for very expensive return fire.

I guess if you're here and asking questions about what product to use, it comes down to this. What really worries you more - whether XF has copyright and going concern issues or the whether the VB 4 Suite has serious product and potential pricing/policy issues? It's your call.

My guess they where stuck, no one wanted to actually take the stand, they could have blown the whole case right there if the right questions where asked, someone could have been nailed on perjury.
Certainly possible. Some of the statements made placed the deponents in challenging positions if examined. One can still wonder about that WHOIS assertion that it provides "unquestioned satisfaction" as to the location of the registrant...
When a plaintiff draws out a case like this, it's usually a big money plaintiff and smaller defendant where the plaintiff hopes to force a settlement. My guess is that, at this point, if XF needs investors to continue they'd find someone easily to help them financially to make it through a lawsuit. Viability probably isn't an issue. And remember, if you're the plaintiff and don't win the battle (especially in the UK), then prepare for very expensive return fire.

I guess if you're here and asking questions about what product to use, it comes down to this. What really worries you more - whether XF has copyright and going concern issues or the whether the VB 4 Suite has serious product and potential pricing/policy issues? It's your call.

Michael what about XF counter suing for damages themselves ? Wouldn't this be a potential bonanza ? IB did stop many customers from buying XF with this lawsuit.
I guess if you're here and asking questions about what product to use, it comes down to this. What really worries you more - whether XF has copyright and going concern issues or the whether the VB 4 Suite has serious product and potential pricing/policy issues? It's your call.

To be honest choosing between XenForo and vB is not a factor. I want to be off of vB when I can. It was between XenForo and IPB and I have chosen to be hitched to the XenForo bandwagon.

I wish I had never moved from SMF to vB4, I should have waited for XenForo to make the move.
What really worries you more - whether XF has copyright and going concern issues or the whether the VB 4 Suite has serious product and potential pricing/policy issues? It's your call.
Yer, that never stopped me from switching over ASAP, and it was for nothing more than VB's attitude that did it for me. One minute they congratulated Kier and Mike and wished them well, the next they unleashed a lawsuit the day before sales. Total BS that only pushed me to switch to all XF immediately, along with many others from reading.

As Kier liked my above support of a purchase, I just made it two for today... 3 x using licenses, 3 x sitting around licenses.

I hope more support XF through purchasing, just to show IB the little guy can win with enough support.
When a plaintiff draws out a case like this, it's usually a big money plaintiff and smaller defendant where the plaintiff hopes to force a settlement. My guess is that, at this point, if XF needs investors to continue they'd find someone easily to help them financially to make it through a lawsuit. Viability probably isn't an issue. And remember, if you're the plaintiff and don't win the battle (especially in the UK), then prepare for very expensive return fire.
I have a question...if this case is getting expensive and return fire were to come in to play...well I think I remember reading about them having to put up some money because they had no assets in the country or something (I may be wrong here.) My question would one go about even going back on the counter to one who isn't even in your own country. Relate it to the case or not ...I am just curious.
I guess if you're here and asking questions about what product to use, it comes down to this. What really worries you more - whether XF has copyright and going concern issues or the whether the VB 4 Suite has serious product and potential pricing/policy issues? It's your call.
Only if you consider vB an option that is.
When a plaintiff draws out a case like this, it's usually a big money plaintiff and smaller defendant where the plaintiff hopes to force a settlement. My guess is that, at this point, if XF needs investors to continue they'd find someone easily to help them financially to make it through a lawsuit. Viability probably isn't an issue. And remember, if you're the plaintiff and don't win the battle (especially in the UK), then prepare for very expensive return fire.

I guess if you're here and asking questions about what product to use, it comes down to this. What really worries you more - whether XF has copyright and going concern issues or the whether the VB 4 Suite has serious product and potential pricing/policy issues? It's your call.

Certainly possible. Some of the statements made placed the deponents in challenging positions if examined. One can still wonder about that WHOIS assertion that it provides "unquestioned satisfaction" as to the location of the registrant...

I don't believe Viability is an issue either Michael, for the same reasons, it would not be hard to find an investor if one was needed, and I am sure that possiblity is rather remote anyway.

Regardless of their motivations, this lawsuit really damages VBSI and Internet Brands, their name is rapidly becoming brown substance in the forum software world.
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