
Allan Hsu

hi, I need my Xenforo forum customized.
I have been looking around.
Has anyone here used the service of for his/her forum design?

If yes, can anyone give some feedback/review here? If you can post the actual design, it would be even better

That guy charges $5 just to change the logo to your site name, or $10 to install the theme, so that should give you a basic idea on how good the theme value will be if it costs $20.

IMO you are better off going with the reputed Xenforo designers on here like @Audentio or @Arty etc.
it's actually a girl. Have you had a forum design done by her? If yes, do you mind to post a link for me to take a look?


No i prefer to go with trusted designers on here, who have many many customers, and are able to provide quick support, and cater for the latest version of xenforo as it evolves. Certainly do not want to be restricted to someone who claims to have xenforo designs, and puts 'that' out as the theme, and has no portfolio.

this is their 'preview' of the theme you will be receiving...

And looks like only one person using that herself.
No i prefer to go with trusted designers on here, who have many many customers, and are able to provide quick support, and cater for the latest version of xenforo as it evolves. Certainly do not want to be restricted to someone who claims to have xenforo designs, and puts 'that' out as the theme, and has no portfolio.

this is their 'preview' of the theme you will be receiving...

And looks like only one person using that herself. "Designed byDojo"&oq=XenForo "Designed byDojo"&aqs=chrome..69i57.509j0j9&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8

(Although I agree the quality of Audentio, Arty and other designers here)

Generally speaking, sometimes "many many customers" doesn't mean the service provided is good/great. I didn't want to say more about it, but look at vB who has "many many customers". Or taking other brand as example, WHMCS and JIRA which they have "many many customers", will they listen to customers? No, they don't listen when you suggest something (if yes, wait for ages), they only treat you as income stream. For me, I always go the "lesser customers" solutions, e.g. instead of WHMCS, I go for ClientExec; and instead of JIRA, I go for Bugify; instead of Desk/Zendesk, I go for ArcticDesk. I don't know, maybe that's just me. And, being quiet doesn't mean the developer is bad/nonsense/unreliable. If you haven't tried dojo out, you shouldn't make any judgement about "how reliable" dojo is by just looking at her site. She is a nice person to work with and apparently she is not quite available for more workload and this doesn't mean she is MIA.
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