How do I get this review system?


Active member
Site is GBATemp.

I wonder if this is custom made or a known add-on?
1. How do I make a reviews section?

2. How do I separate Staff reviews from user reviews?


3. How do I make them select a category before starting?

4. How do I display a verdict?
veredict front end.webp

5. How do I get a lightbox like this?

6. Is there anyone who can help me setup Xenforo? :notworthy:
I'm not sure, but this may be @Bob 's RMS:
I'm not sure, but this may be @Bob 's RMS:
It's not Review Management System.
Can i do something similar with it? @Bob
RMS is quite a bit different than what that site is doing. Different base architecture, different features, different functions, different layouts (multiple layout types), Multiple Item Types (7 unique item types... item, brand, business, hotel, restaurant, store and venue), Editor Reviews, User Reviews, Q&A system, Check-ins, Multi-Location items, Advanced Google Maps, Events for Item Type "Venue" and much more. Feel free to start a conversation with me so that I can get you access to information about RMS in order for you to do some due diligence.
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