Break the forum when AdBlock detected

Could you not just have the typical Adblock detection notice, but style it to obscure a large chunk of the site, or even just obscure the navigation?
they don't work. getting rid of css or js based codes is rather simple. in the end, the website owner has to make a choice... does he want the traffic from ad-blocking visitors or not. notices don't work. and only a small percentage of communities out there would have an audience who would pay/donate to support.

i personally understand the need for ad-blocking. privacy is a major issue. but blocking ads is pretty much the same thing as pirating software. but it is not treated as such. you are tampering with a product to steal potential revenues from the owner of the website.
Site usability, bounce rate, and ultimately pogosticking when someone learns your site name are all ranking factors.

So if you don't mind dropping in rank, break your forum for that small group.

Or, find other monetization methods... which will come harder if you have a higher bounce rate and rank lower than your competitors.

If the reasons mentioned don't matter to you, break the forum for those using adblock.

Just food for thought here...
You don't know my site. So don't comment on it.

Thanks for your contribution to the thread though.

I understand my 14 year old forums very well.
they don't work. getting rid of css or js based codes is rather simple. in the end, the website owner has to make a choice... does he want the traffic from ad-blocking visitors or not. notices don't work. and only a small percentage of communities out there would have an audience who would pay/donate to support.

i personally understand the need for ad-blocking. privacy is a major issue. but blocking ads is pretty much the same thing as pirating software. but it is not treated as such. you are tampering with a product to steal potential revenues from the owner of the website.
If you block ads on my site. You're worthless to me. We have the content you want. I am giving it away for free. It's helping people make money. Yet they block ads. That's stopping the moment I figure this out. I'm on other projects at the moment.
You don't know my site. So don't comment on it.

Thanks for your contribution to the thread though.

I understand my 14 year old forums very well.
This is a public forum and a general reply to everyone considering to do what you're attempting to do if they value growth.

I'm sure if you pulled the same stunt 14 years ago, you'd have less loyal members now... just a guess though.
It is ok when you get free content from members. Sell it and make money. For that content, you want to put these limits. I am sure you are not putting this on a blog where you buy articles.
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but blocking ads is pretty much the same thing as pirating software. but it is not treated as such. you are tampering with a product to steal potential revenues from the owner of the website.

Seriously ? You are the admin of , right ? That Indian admin who got threatened by Airtel ( local ISP ). Ever since he is using his forum to threaten people who favour other ISPs. How do you get your content ? Have you bought or wrote a single article till date ?
This is a public forum and a general reply to everyone considering to do what you're attempting to do if they value growth.

I'm sure if you pulled the same stunt 14 years ago, you'd have less loyal members now... just a guess though.
I definitely wouldn't but this is now and I do.
Seriously ? You are the admin of , right ? That Indian admin who got threatened by Airtel ( local ISP ). Ever since he is using his forum to threaten people who favour other ISPs. How do you get your content ? Have you bought or wrote a single article till date ?
Don't abuse my thread go make your own to argue in.
It is ok when you get free content from members. Sell it and make money. For that content, you want to put these limits. I am sure you are not putting this on a blog where you buy articles.
Don't contribute to this thread please. You don't know my forums and clearly can't help me. So you're only really winding yourself up.
I've been looking at this page. It's pretty aggressively advertised.
Of course ADblock put this site on the blacklist.

Maybe you should think about your advertising strategy.
As a long time adblock user, I can comment that for me, use of adblock isn't intended to rob you of revenue. It's not even you I don't trust - it's the 3rd party ad providers you can't control, that use MY resources to flood me with invasive adverts and all too often, malware and other garbage.

You do your seo best practices, in order to get me to visit your site. You WANT and NEED visitors to your site. So excuse the hell out of me if I want to protect my registry and my devices from the 3rd party invaders who I do NOT grant permission to use my bandwidth, memory and other resources to deliver unwanted content and likely adware, malware, tracking cookies, and even keyloggers to my browser and system.

If you look upon people who block ads as a personal affront, you're taking yourself way too seriously. It's not about you the webmaster, it's about the unscrupulous 3rd party ad providers.

When adblock operates it tells us how many items are blocked. If I see a low number like 4 or 5, I am much more likely to whitelist your site than if I see a number like 50, 30, 20 and such.

The genesis of ad blockers was to protect us from badware and malware, not to "leech" off of sites we're invited to visit. The 3rd party ad providers are the leeches. Not the valuable visitor to your site.

Just food for thought.

This wasn't intended to discuss the politics around doing this.

My sites don't have ads if you login. And you gain A LOT from being a member.

So, for my own reasons, which I won't go into in a thread, I want to reserve the option for me to do some A/B testing and see if I can get a response from forcing ad-blockers to be disabled.

Imagine if we all blocked all ads. (Rhetorical - Make your own thread if you want to actually discuss this please - stop robbing mine! :D )
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