Break the forum when AdBlock detected


Active member
I think I've come to the point where I'd not like to stick a notice up on a forum when I detect a user has an AdBlocker, and ask them to whitelist us or disable it. That type of web user is always going to have it enabled.

I'd like to now find a way to break the forum for them, using styling or javascript or something that they can't keep detecting and working around.

I understand this stance isn't for everybody. And that's fine. You serve your forum to those who block ads. And have your reasons for that.

I ask kindly to leave this thread to those who are trying to find, or have found, or know, a way to break their forum irreversibly - until a user disables AdBlock.

Can anybody help me achieve this? :D
Statcounter does exactly what you're asking, for its site. It's so effective I stopped using their products.

So yeah, it can be done and is being done out there on the web.
Intentionally though or have they just ballsed up some code?

I'm after and actual skilled technical add-on maker here. Not just disgruntled users of something they once used. :D

(Google Analytics?)
Cheeky monkey.

I have done.

I'm asking those who run forums themselves, to see if they've got something setup already, if I can get it done for free, I'd rather do that. :)
Intentionally though or have they just ballsed up some code?
Yes it is intentional, they mean for you to buy their paid status and paid products, and if you're using their free version and also adblockers, the css is broken for you on their site but only when you log in..
Yes it is intentional, they mean for you to buy their paid status and paid products, and if you're using their free version and also adblockers, the css is broken for you on their site but only when you log in..
Damn right they should too lol


Clever people.

Have you actually paid for their service and checked to make sure it isn't just an error for logged-in users no matter what type of account you are to them? - You might be cutting your nose of to spite your face there if they didn't realise that it broke their site etc

:D :p

You have a choice to either use them or not then I guess.
Have you actually paid for their service and checked to make sure it isn't just an error for logged-in users no matter what type of account you are to them
No, I have several friends who are paid customers, and the site itself explains what they've done and why.

What Ozzy suggested to you appears to be the best advice, start a thread for this in the requests forum.
You have a choice to either use them or not then I guess.
Like everywhere else, yes. I have a choice.
I would have thought something could be put together along the lines of the XF Discourage feature - when an Adblocker is in use then the Discourage function is activated for that user.
An error message could then be displayed along the lines of: The software has detected errors due to conflicts caused by your Adblocker, switch it off! .... or words to the effect of :)
discouraged feature assuming it is not powered by javascript or code that can easily be disabled using ad-blocker is one way to implement a good annoyance for ad-blocking visitor. though i am not sure if it can be safely implemented without hurting search engines and other indexers.

i am at a stage where i have just given up personally. i am basically running my own forum for my own amusement. once that is over, would just shut it down for good.
At statcounter they simply do not give you any of the css files if you are logged in and using adblock. It's very effective, literally "breaks" the site for you.
All food for thought.

I've stuck a request up.

But, now knowing that, let's not keep mentioning that eh? - I wonder if a few (forum-owner) heads are better than one (paid-developer?). :)

Leave it with me, or contribute. But we've done the 'should get a guy in to do it' line now. :D
been thinking about this. i think a css-less version seems like a good option. i would be interested in trying on such an addon. would probably not want to pay a lot for this unless it is proven to be effective (maybe a reasonably priced release with 3/6 month validity?). i have had way too much bad experience paying for addons just to see developer disappear after a few months. an addon to tackle ad blockers would require a developer who is willing to commit to it for a long time. cheers.
You might could add/load the JS and CSS files via an ad serving system that is blocked by Adblock, turn it against them to where their ad blocker is filtering out the css and j/s files until they turn their adblock off.
without any form of randomization... anything manually set is going to be bypassed/whitelisted rather quickly. i have seen filters on github specifically designed to bypass code of an old addon for my domain i used few years ago. for this to work, someone would have to be very creative because most of the solutions i have seen are just not good enough to tackle technical users.
without any form of randomization... anything manually set is going to be bypassed/whitelisted rather quickly. i have seen filters on github specifically designed to bypass code of an old addon for my domain i used few years ago. for this to work, someone would have to be very creative because most of the solutions i have seen are just not good enough to tackle technical users.
The adblocks use filters to determine what to block. If one were to have all of his/her adverts AND the css and j/s files being served from the same filtered source... There is no way around that for the ad blocking visitors other than removing that from the filter, whitelisting your site, or turning their adblock off. Period. Your adverts would load.
unless you are serving ads from the exact same files that are being used to serve xenforo related code... it is not going to work. even if the source folder is same, whitelists can be used to target specific files assuming the addon becomes popular or someone decides to make available filters for popular forums using such a solution.

plus most folks would be relying on third party solutions like adsense to serve ads on their forums.
unless you are serving ads from the exact same files that are being used to serve xenforo related code... it is not going to work. even if the source folder is same, whitelists can be used to target specific files assuming the addon becomes popular or someone decides to make available filters for popular forums using such a solution.

plus most folks would be relying on third party solutions like adsense to serve ads on their forums.
That's what I'm trying to work on. So that if detected, it breaks. If they block the detection, they break it.

I think I'm managing to find a way. But it's not going to be flawless. And AdBlockerPlus have a forum showing people how to block ads.
And they take payments from firms to unblock ads.

They also run trackers in their software, so even if a user whitelists your site, they are still tracking the user and the site.

Very naughty IMO.

I'm trying to block them from even tracking the forum. Push them to null or something somehow.

I'm really busy with actual work, so I keep coming back to this. I'll keep checking this thread see if we've come up with something. And I'll test it on a live site.
Site usability, bounce rate, and ultimately pogosticking when someone learns your site name are all ranking factors.

So if you don't mind dropping in rank, break your forum for that small group.

Or, find other monetization methods... which will come harder if you have a higher bounce rate and rank lower than your competitors.

If the reasons mentioned don't matter to you, break the forum for those using adblock.

Just food for thought here...
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