breadcrumb styling question


Active member
Okay, so I'm trying to use
gradient on my breadcrumb links + hover... problem is it cuts off by the
" > " part the arrow of the breadcrumb... When I put it into the hover it uses the background color I chose for that arrow corner, how do I make it go 100% of each breadlink?
This is the CSS in question:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> breadcrumb.css

.breadcrumb .crust:hover .arrow span
	border-left-color: @breadcrumbItemCrumbHover.background-color;

As you said, it is using the background color from the other property but not the background image. I experimented with a border image but couldn't make it work:

.breadcrumb .crust:hover .arrow span
	border-left-color: @breadcrumbItemCrumbHover.background-color;
	border-left-image: url('@imagePath/xenforo/gradients/form-button-white-25px.png');

It's a place to start. Maybe some one else can make it work.
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