
Bookmark 1.9

No permission to download
This works pretty good, but there is a display issue on my iPhone 6S. See pic below.

View attachment 128898

Any way to fix this?

Same here

Not the prettiest solution, but this is what I did - replace template andy_bookmark_list with this:

<xen:title>{xen:phrase bookmark_bookmark_list}</xen:title>

@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveNarrowWidth) {
.col_4 {display:none;}
.col_3 {display:none;}

@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveMediumWidth) {
.col_4 {display:none;}

<table class="dataTable" width="100%">
    <tr class="dataRow">

        <th class="col_1">{xen:phrase bookmark_thread_title}</th>
        <th class="col_2">{xen:phrase bookmark_posted_by}</th>
        <th class="col_3">{xen:phrase bookmark_forum}</th>
        <th class="col_4">{xen:phrase bookmark_post_date}</th>
        <th class="col_5">{xen:phrase bookmark_note}</th>
        <th class="col_6">{xen:phrase bookmark_action}</th>
    <xen:foreach loop="$bookmarkResults" value="$post">
    <tr class="dataRow">
        <td class="col_1"><a href="{xen:link 'posts', $post}" />{$post.title}</a></td>
        <td class="col_2"><a href="{xen:link 'members/{$post.user_id}/'}" />{$post.username}</a></td>
        <td class="col_3"><a href="{xen:link 'forums/{$post.forum_link}'}" />{$post.forum_title}</a></td>
        <td class="col_4">{xen:datetime $post.post_date}</td>
        <td class="col_5">{$post.note}</td>
        <td class="col_6"><a href="{xen:link 'bookmark/edit', '', 'bookmark_id={$post.bookmark_id}'}">{xen:phrase bookmark_edit}</a></td>
Hi Andy:

I'm new to Xenforo and just discovered you and your awesome adds. I've got 4 installed so far. One question - the interface to see your bookmarks is a pulldown from your profile. With your History add-on it's a menu item. Is there any chance that could be made consistent? I personally think having it in the menu makes the most sense since that's also where Watched threads are.

But regardless ... awesome add-on. I look forward to discovering more of yours!
@Doobie Moseley , Andy's mods rock!

I just did the exact same thing - you can change the Bookmarks location by following these steps:

1. Go to template modifications and uncheck this one for Bookmarks (leave the other one enabled) :

navigation_visitor_tab Bookmark_navigation_visitor_tab

2. Edit the "navigation" template.


<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}"><li><a href="{xen:link 'forums/-/mark-read', $forum, 'date={$serverTime}'}" class="OverlayTrigger">{xen:phrase mark_forums_read}</a></li></xen:if>

Add below:

<xen:if is="{$visitor.permissions.bookmarkGroupID.bookmarkID}"><li>
<a href="{xen:link 'bookmark/list'}">{xen:phrase bookmark_bookmark_list}</a></li>

And you're done!

If you'd also like the bookmarks to keep "Forums" as the active navigation tab (like History does), you can edit /library/Andy/Bookmark/ControllerPublic/Bookmark.php


public function actionList()

Add below:

I just did the exact same thing - you can change the Bookmarks location by following these steps:
Wow! That was incredibly quick and easy. And now that I know where to look, I'll work on putting it in both locations (which I think is optimal). Thanks so much for your speedy help!
Now we use old (you can install and test it) , totally about 90 bookmarks. I'm interested in replacing it with this one with several improvements. @AndyB , is it possible to modify your add-on in the following way:
1) import present bookmarks from pfps-com-br-bookmark-posts;
2) not re-read thread afeter bookmarking but rather change bookmark link status;
3) add sorting for list of bookmarks by columt titles, like in Windows folder;
4) add fast search field, like in Similar threads;
5) place Bookmark link in one menu with history, as suggested in upper posts, and in profile page.

Is there something I can add to extra.css to make the post number link be styled so it's more obvious to my users to click it to go to the bookmarked post?

Ideally, I'd love to have the Thread Title link to the bookmarked post, but I'm not sure if that's outside my technical abilities.
I edited the template modifications from post_private_controls to post_public_controls to show it alongside the like and quote links, how do I edit the regex to show the bookmark link on the left rather on the right of other (like, quote) buttons please?

Anyone ? here's a screenshot of what i'm trying to do :


I need to know how i should modify the template modification on the "post" template to do that please ?

Really ? no one ?

Just in case someone wants to help but doesn't have the plugin installed, here's the template modification I need to change.

Find :
#(<xen:hook name="post_public_controls".*?)(\s*</xen:hook>)#s

Replace :
<xen:if is="{$visitor.permissions.bookmarkGroupID.bookmarkID}">

<xen:if is="!{$post.bookmark}">
<a href="{xen:link 'posts/bookmark', $post}" class="item control OverlayTrigger bookmarkLinkPost">{xen:phrase bookmark_bookmark}</a>

<xen:if is="{$post.bookmark}">
<a href="{xen:link 'posts/bookmark-unbookmark', $post}" class="item control OverlayTrigger bookmarkLinkPost">{xen:phrase bookmark_unbookmark}</a>


I am sure it's rather easy for someone who can read regex ..

Great! Was looking for a plugin to do that!
But is there any way to add multiple bookmarks editing through Bookmarks List?
For example, if I want to delete 5 bookmarks - I have to visit all 5 posts and unbookmark them there - very complicated. :(

Also - bookmarking a theme is not an option?
Got this error

Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli prepare error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2 - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:77
Gegenereerd Door: rufrider, Vandaag om 03:21
Stack Trace
#0 /home/bodyforum/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(115): Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare('\n\t\t\tDELETE FROM...')
#1 /home/bodyforum/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php(381): Zend_Db_Statement->__construct(Object(Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli), '\n\t\t\tDELETE FROM...')
#2 /home/bodyforum/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(478): Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare('\n\t\t\tDELETE FROM...')
#3 /home/bodyforum/public_html/library/Andy/Bookmark/ControllerPublic/Bookmark.php(231): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('\n\t\t\tDELETE FROM...')
#4 /home/bodyforum/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): Andy_Bookmark_ControllerPublic_Bookmark->actionDeleteSelected()
#5 /home/bodyforum/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#6 /home/bodyforum/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#7 {main}
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(53) ""  bookmark deleteselected
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(1) {
   ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"

Fixed by update below
Last edited:
Hi, I can see the bookmark under the posts but the bookmark list link isn't visible.
I tried in custom style as well as default with no luck.

I see that template modification is doing the job but it's nowhere visible.

181385b59417.webp 182386b57417.webp

Any help of an update will be appreciated
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