XF 2.3 Bob's Article Management System, articles to threads?


Well-known member
On the mission to get rid of everything that can be done without, Bob's "Article Management System" needs to disappear from a forum. The question now is, is there an add-on to move the texts into threads?
Convert article to thread

Cool! Thank you.

No, does not work like i think it should work. :(
It is ok, i will write a script.
Unfortunately, in the old version I have to work with, there is no moderator function to convert multiple articles into threads. And sadly, there’s also no way to copy articles into threads instead of moving them.

The first feature would greatly ease the process when moving a few hundred articles. The second one would provide the assurance that you could revert everything back to its original state without stress.

Are these two functions possibly available in a newer version of the addon?
If I had known or checked that beforehand, all new topics that were posted instead of articles have today's date. Who does something like that? Of course, the date of the article must also be the date of the topic. So, even more work to find the date from the backup.

But that was certainly my mistake. Bob has surely built an option for that, otherwise, he should hire me as a consultant! One or two of my ideas are already in his AMS. Here are some new suggestions:
  • Transform many articles into threads
  • Copy many articles to threads
  • Ensure the article's post_date is used (if not yet implemented)
You need to be posting in the resource thread for any questions or suggestions related to it.
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Maybe I am to blind to see it but where exactly would the resource thread for AMS for XF 2.0 be on this forum as AMS does not seem to be listed as a resource here?

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I know Bobs forum and do have I license for AMS. But you missed to answer my question: @Paul B said:
You need to be posting in the resource thread for any questions or suggestions related to it.
And I asked
where exactly would the resource thread for AMS for XF 2.0 be on this forum
Because - as there is none (as to my knowledge) - what @Paul B effectively says w/o making it explicit is it would be not allowed to discuss about AMS on this forum.
All discussion, questions, and support related to add-ons and styles must be posted in the resource thread.

If there is not one on this site then you will need to post on the developer's site.
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