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Board Active Cron 1.0

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If my board were busier I'd use it lol
Usually I just get up at 3am to do my quick back-up then go back to bed lol
Would it be possible to add an option that makes this work with a specific section, rather than the board in general?

Like switching it to a private node and back at a set time.

Or if someone could help me find out how I can find the xf option for the private node function, so I could just add it in to this line manually if that's how it would work.
$db->update('xf_option', array('option_value' => 1), 'option_id = "boardActive"');
If my board were busier I'd use it lol
Usually I just get up at 3am to do my quick back-up then go back to bed lol
Sod getting up at 3am, that's what scripts and cron are for!

This sits in perfectly with my nightly back up solution now. Close board at 03:28, cron runs at 03:30 to dump the database, bzip2 the file, upload to 2 remote sites, and then re-open the board at 03:34 when it's all done.
Sod getting up at 3am, that's what scripts and cron are for!

This sits in perfectly with my nightly back up solution now. Close board at 03:28, cron runs at 03:30 to dump the database, bzip2 the file, upload to 2 remote sites, and then re-open the board at 03:34 when it's all done.
It's not the only site I do it for so it's okay. lol and really I kinda do it from my phone.... lmfao so its more like habitually wake up in the early hours. Initiate back-ups and go back to bed.
You're addon worked perfectly for my board, but I noticed that since it's enable for 20 minutes, google is getting loads exploration error.
Is it possible rather than being set by the cron at times for it to be able to be called as part of my backup script, so that when it runs it closes the site and once its done it opens the site. as the backups vary in time and I don't do them every night.
This add-on is specifically a cron entry.

If you wanted to use the code within it in your backup script then you could do, but it's not within the scope of this add-on.
Chris, I trying to use this in 1.3 RC2

The addon works, but there is some problem with schedule. I have set the board off in 3AM and on in 3:15AM in tools > Cron Entries.

But the cron still running in 10AM off, 10:15AM on, no matter what time I set.
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