XF 2.1 Blocking foreign languages


Active member
We are getting hammered with Chinese language spam posts. Is there anyway to block any other language outside of the English language?

They are relentless when they get started... and they are aggravating to say the least. Using proxy IP addresses and random email accounts.

Also there are several addons based on features which block whole countries.
We are getting hammered with Chinese language spam posts. Is there anyway to block any other language outside of the English language?

They are relentless when they get started... and they are aggravating to say the least. Using proxy IP addresses and random email accounts.
They're getting through SFS, askimet, captcha, puzzles, questions and all that good "best practices" stuff?
I spent many, many hours over the last decade building a .htaccess file that blocks 95% (guestimate) of the IP ranges for various countries (including China). Any time my site gets hit with a bot or spam registration that gets through the list, I'll add it. I've probably worn out whois.domaintools.com over the years.
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