XF 2.2 Block email address: ericjonesmyemail@gmail.com


Well-known member
The following message has been sent from Eric Jones <ericjonesmyemail@gmail.com> (IP: via the contact form at

This Eric Jones imposter is getting around all forms of captcha lately and I am getting up to 8 emails a day on my contact form from this address.

I made a filter and anything from Eric Jones gets deleted and I don't see it.

However, I also thought there might be a way of blocking ericjonesmyemail@gmail.com from the contact form. Maybe I'm not seeing it but that seems to be the only consistant part of the spam. The IP address and content changes but the email address will stay active for a number of months before it changes.

So an email block for the contact form might be a good solution.

PS. I am aware of the current contact form addons but I am asking specifically for a way to block an email address.
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Hey @MapleOne

This addon appears to have implemented a banned emails list for the contact form:

Maybe that'll help.


It seems like it'll respect the banned email list by Xenforo, there's an option:
Silently discard banned emails

Accept but silently discard emails from banned email addresses
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