Block all AdBlockers

Block all AdBlockers

Gopala Subramanium

Active member
Gopala Subramanium submitted a new resource:

Block all AdBlockers - Force the user to disable AdBlocker to display advertisements.

This is a very simple modification on your community to force the user to disable AdBlocker to see advertisements to continue. I did not make it a paid one because I understand that most of our sites' one of the primary source of income are Advertisements.

In return, i just need your likes and reviews :)

Let us start, Goto Appearance > Templates [Under Styles & Templates]

Search for footer, click footer and go to the end of the script to see:

Add this code under the...

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You cant donate with Adblocker turned on.
Maybe its possible to turn the Layer off in Donate Window?
In my opinion, this is a traffic killer. People that have ADblocker don't want to see ads. It may work for regular visitors, but new once would exit from the website right away (and this would raise the bounce rate as well - maybe even drastically, depends how much traffic you get from search engines).

Just my .02 cents anyway.
I have installed in the resource_view_header template. No more sucking up expensive bandwidth in our resource manager that contains huge files.

Really like this mod, lets hope it helps and maybe stirs up a nice discussion on our forums as well. Thanks!
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Possibly a violation of AdSense TOS, which forbids doing anything that calls attention to its ads.

And for AdSense users, what happens when a bunch of users get ticked off, disable their ad blockers and click-bomb you? You can say buy-bye to AdSense.

Ad much as I despise ad blockers, I'm not about to jeopardize a 4-figure income stream by doing this.
Good point, didn't look at it like that as I don't see it as an encouragement to start clicking.

But you are right, better safe than sorry.

(thank god Google themselves aren't encouraging people to click with their arrows :D)
@MikeMpls I've checked with contact at Google and its not a problem to use this.
Thanks a lot @Bram , even I was trying to confirm this. I really don't want any of us getting into trouble. Thanks,

In my opinion, this is a traffic killer. People that have ADblocker don't want to see ads. It may work for regular visitors, but new once would exit from the website right away (and this would raise the bounce rate as well - maybe even drastically, depends how much traffic you get from search engines).
Just my .02 cents anyway.
@Moshe1010 I observed my analytics for last 2 days, there was hardly any change in the bounce rate but trust me the adsense revenue has almost increased by 40%. I know that this a little early to say but I would continue studying it and will confirm in a month's time. Thanks,
Outstanding, so I just donated - well worth the money. One question - I added a conditional statement allowing registered users to bypass this adblock blocker code.

One problem - if they are not logged in, they get the blocking code, but can't get to the login screen. Any idea around this? I'd like to include code that says, "click here to login."
Outstanding, so I just donated - well worth the money. One question - I added a conditional statement allowing registered users to bypass this adblock blocker code.

One problem - if they are not logged in, they get the blocking code, but can't get to the login screen. Any idea around this? I'd like to include code that says, "click here to login."
Thanks a ton for the donation. Add the following conditions to overcome this:

<xen:if is="!{$visitor.is_admin}">
  <xen:if is="{$contentTemplate} != 'login'">
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And the output is like this; hope this what you wanted. Now when they click login, this would not appear.

I have users who are logged in and seeing ads (no adblock) but still get the screen. When they click "login" again, it just sends them to the same screen (Adblock detected).
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