beta 3, beta 4, RC1?

Yes, the stable version will likely arrive later as a result of having to fight these lawsuits than it would have been had we been able to dedicate ourselves completely to development, as had been our plan.
just for curiosity, why is there another lawsuit in California? Why another country? Does it mean, they could do that for every country in this planet if they wish?
just for curiosity, why is there another lawsuit in California? Why another country? Does it mean, they could do that for every country in this planet if they wish?
I'm not entirely up-to-date on my law and I don't think XF Ltd. want this discussion everywhere so I'll just say I think they've filed in the US as well as the UK because Jelsoft is a UK company and vBSI/IB are US-based - more chance at winning for them (or draining XF's money).

Anyway, delayed or not at least we know the reason(s) for it being delayed :)
In all honesty, for me, it doesn't matter when the stable version is released!! During the beta 1 and now the beta 2, there aren't all that many bugs that I have found so far!! I may not be using everything, but I am using everything that a working forum needs to run, and as yet no bugs what so ever, which can only be a great start!!

When the stable version is ready, I'm sure it's in all of XenForo Ltd.'s interest to get it out, but not in their interest to rush it and then get loads of bug reports, which I'm sure they won't do!! The lawsuit, in my eyes, is bang out of order and IB just want to get as much money out of XF as they can, and also shut them down so they can continue to squeezing every penny out of their current customers. It ain't gonna happen though, cos we all know how unique XF is, simple things!!
I don't think the lawsuit will directly affect the schedule, but dealing with it takes up part of their time that they'd normally be coding and therefore is indirectly delaying it.
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