XF 1.2 Best way to do this ?


Well-known member
Hey guys..

Firstly sorry for asking a relatively similar question as ive asked in the past but as with XF 1.2 and the new route filters i am still unsure what the best practice for this would be.

I am looking to use a custom front-page within the XF wrapper.. So that the "Home" tab becomes the front-page:

mysite.com <---- Home Page
mysite.com/forums/ <---- Forums

etc etc...

How i am still playing around with a few methods.. but ideally i would like XF installed in the main / base directory.. i was previously using this script hete: Kotomi Script this was before 1.2 as i am redeveloping my entire XF based site i am trying to use the best methods possible.

A HUGE THANKS in advance for any assistance on this matter as it's a very important issue for me.

Regards, Darren
The easiest way if you want a landing page is to install the forum in a directory.
Is there any reason why you want to install it in the root?

Bear in mind that route filters can change a route but they can't remove it.
The easiest way if you want a landing page is to install the forum in a directory.
Is there any reason why you want to install it in the root?

Bear in mind that route filters can change a route but they can't remove it.

Thanks guys..

@ Brogan mainly aiming for the root dir in case future releases of XF provide further functionality in terms of a landing page.. and should xf go down the complete cms path in years to come it's just me being picky i guess there really isn't a reason i can't use the a subdir such as /forum/ however as the forums are only a small part of my overall site i just didn't want to commit to going with a path like "forum" or "forums".. not to worry i don't really want to waste much more time trying to force this so i may just run with a subdir for now.

Thanks again guys.

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