Best way to achieve Recipe Database?


Well-known member
For example, if I wanted to set up a recipe database using XenForo, what would be the best addon to do this? If I waited a little longer for the resource manager is this something that it would be able to cover?

It would need a way of adding a description/recipe, ratings, a tab for photos, a tab for reviews and then a discussion thread.

It looks like the Showcase addon could also do this, but I'd be interested to hear how others would tackle this :).
Showcase might be better. If the RM can handle what you need, go with the RM (best with official mods).
But indeed showcase has some very nice features that are absent in the current RM, but let´s see if more features have been added when it is finaaaaaaaaaaaaly released.
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Showcase might be better for this exact need ... but ... I'd probably wait the estimated 1 week to see what is up with the RM.

@Brogan @Slavik - thanks for the RM update.
Thanks for the replies folks - I'll probably wait a little longer for the RM (if it's coming soon) and then make my mind up once I can compare the two :).
Thanks for the replies folks - I'll probably wait a little longer for the RM (if it's coming soon) and then make my mind up once I can compare the two :).
Showcase honestly sounds like a better solution, as you can set whatever tabs you want for it.
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Yes I am using showcase for recipes etc, can't show you yet, but once I get some free time to really go for it, it should be pretty cool!

On the weekend I was talking to Bobster, he gave me a sneak peek of what is coming up, should make it very customizable!
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