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[bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3 3.2.0

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Hi guys,

I'm licensed and I help in running a forum that dedicates itself to music and culture. Thankfully, this TagMe add-on has done a lot in helping the members communicate with each other.

Unfortunately we're experiencing some glitches that can give members unnecessary alerts.

When user A tags user B in a wall status, user A receives a notification for that tag. However, any subsequent reply to that status gives user A two notifications per reply: one notification that he has been tagged in the status (an alert he already received) and another saying that status has been replied to.

Sometimes the issue can vary itself, for example this is a test I just ran:


Now, see how the user tags someone and then replies to the status.

The other user, Ipdakchyuh, sees this in his notifications:


You can see how this user receives multiple notifications for the same thing when in reality, he shouldn't be. In other cases, we'll see duplicate notifications "X has tagged you in a status" AND "X has replied to a status"

In even rare instances, a user will receive notifications on end for a wall post or a status that hasn't even been replied to.

This only seems to be affecting wall posts/wall status tagging features. Everything else on the forum (tagging in threads and such) appears to be fine, but this problem has been annoying for many of our members.

Can anyone clarify this? Or is this something an update to this add-on can fix? What can I do?

Thank you.
Last edited:
Hi guys,

I'm licensed and I help in running a forum that dedicates itself to music and culture. Thankfully, this TagMe add-on has done a lot in helping the members communicate with each other.

Unfortunately we're experiencing some glitches that can give members unnecessary alerts.

When user A tags user B in a wall status, user A receives a notification for that tag. However, any subsequent reply to that status gives user A two notifications per reply: one notification that he has been tagged in the status (an alert he already received) and another saying that status has been replied to.

Sometimes the issue can vary itself, for example this is a test I just ran:


Now, see how the user tags someone and then replies to the status.

The other user, Ipdakchyuh, sees this in his notifications:


You can see how this user receives multiple notifications for the same thing when in reality, he shouldn't be. In other cases, we'll see duplicate notifications "X has tagged you in a status" AND "X has replied to a status"

In even rare instances, a user will receive notifications on end for a wall post or a status that hasn't even been replied to.

This only seems to be affecting wall posts/wall status tagging features. Everything else on the forum (tagging in threads and such) appears to be fine, but this problem has been annoying for many of our members.

Can anyone clarify this? Or is this something an update to this add-on can fix? What can I do?

Thank you.
I can confirm this is a bug. Fix is coming, sorry for your problem.
I notice that /js/bdTagMe/frontend.js is loaded on forum index and other page outside of thread view. Do you know the reason? If my portal and forum index is the most often loaded pages, and there is no reason to use bd tag me there, I think it's better to not load extra js for every page refresh.
I notice that /js/bdTagMe/frontend.js is loaded on forum index and other page outside of thread view. Do you know the reason? If my portal and forum index is the most often loaded pages, and there is no reason to use bd tag me there, I think it's better to not load extra js for every page refresh.
IIRC, it was loaded for the quick status poster.
Is there a way to tag 2 different user groups with the same initial name?
For example, groups name:

2nd group name:
Johnny Bravo

When I try to tag Johnny Bravo, It tags Johnny (Although it shows both in the drop-down when you start to tag). Even if I click on Johnny Bravo from the drop-down, it still tags Johnny.
2.0.1 + xf 1.2.2 is not working

$engine->notifyTaggedUsers3('post', $post['post_id'], $post['user_id'], $post['username'], 'tag', $this->_taggedUsers, $notifiedUserIds['alerted'], $notifiedUserIds['emailed'], $forumWatchModel, $options);

i guess bug here - $this->_taggedUsers is null

additional info:
$notifiedUserIds['alerted'] = {array}[0]
$notifiedUserIds['emailed'] = {array}[0]
$post['message'] = "@name test 345"
user "name" exist
it must be like
$newMessage = '';
        $taggingModel = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_UserTagging');
        $_taggedUsers = $taggingModel->getTaggedUsersInMessage($post['message'], $newMessage, '');

        $options = array(bdTagMe_Engine::OPTION_MAX_TAGGED_USERS => $this->getOption(self::OPTION_MAX_TAGGED_USERS));
        //$engine->notifyTaggedUsers3('post', $post['post_id'], $post['user_id'], $post['username'], 'tag', $this->_taggedUsers, $notifiedUserIds['alerted'], $notifiedUserIds['emailed'], $forumWatchModel, $options);
        $engine->notifyTaggedUsers3('post', $post['post_id'], $post['user_id'], $post['username'], 'tag', $_taggedUsers, $notifiedUserIds['alerted'], $notifiedUserIds['emailed'], $forumWatchModel, $options);
in file bdTagMe\XenForo\DataWriter\DiscussionMessage\Post.php
2.0.1 + xf 1.2.2 is not working

$engine->notifyTaggedUsers3('post', $post['post_id'], $post['user_id'], $post['username'], 'tag', $this->_taggedUsers, $notifiedUserIds['alerted'], $notifiedUserIds['emailed'], $forumWatchModel, $options);

i guess bug here - $this->_taggedUsers is null

additional info:
$notifiedUserIds['alerted'] = {array}[0]
$notifiedUserIds['emailed'] = {array}[0]
$post['message'] = "@name test 345"
user "name" exist
If you have $this->_taggedUsers == null, that means you have some add-on prevented the original _messagePreSave from running.

class XenForo_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage_Post extends XenForo_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage
protected function _messagePreSave()
/** @var $taggingModel XenForo_Model_UserTagging */
$taggingModel = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_UserTagging');

$this->_taggedUsers = $taggingModel->getTaggedUsersInMessage(
$this->get('message'), $newMessage,'bb'
$this->set('message', $newMessage);
Is there a way to tag 2 different user groups with the same initial name?
For example, groups name:

2nd group name:
Johnny Bravo

When I try to tag Johnny Bravo, It tags Johnny (Although it shows both in the drop-down when you start to tag). Even if I click on Johnny Bravo from the drop-down, it still tags Johnny.
This has been fixed. New version should be available soon.
This has been fixed. New version should be available soon.
Is there an option to tag certain groups with permissions?
Let's say I want to tag "registered user groups", but I want that only management would be able to tag this user group, is it possible?
Is there an option to tag certain groups with permissions?
Let's say I want to tag "registered user groups", but I want that only management would be able to tag this user group, is it possible?
There is option for permission to tag user group but you cannot set for each target group. Once you allow the permission, the group will be able to tag all available other group.
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