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[bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3 3.2.0

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Find Active User help we tag users so fast and exactly. It would be great if they could work together or [bd] Tag Me had this features :)
Also, i did not receive an email alert when tagging myself with a test user. is there a separate place to turn on the setting besides alert settings?
User group tagging and email notification.
Also tagging in profile posts.

how do you group tag?
Enable the tagging in each group you want tagging available for (edit the group for this). Also don't forget this is also a separate permission that needs setting for the users or groups you want to use it.

Also, i did not receive an email alert when tagging myself with a test user. is there a separate place to turn on the setting besides alert settings?
You enable email alerts in your contact details. Make sure it is enabled in the ACP for this add-on first.
Also tagging in profile posts.

Enable the tagging in each group you want tagging available for (edit the group for this). Also don't forget this is also a separate permission that needs setting for the users or groups you want to use it.

Also tagging in profile posts.

Enable the tagging in each group you want tagging available for (edit the group for this). Also don't forget this is also a separate permission that needs setting for the users or groups you want to use it.

You enable email alerts in your contact details. Make sure it is enabled in the ACP for this add-on first.

Where do you edit or create groups?
So please explain what this means and hoe to use it, i would imagine regular members would not have the tag group permission? @user_group syntax - does this mean i would be able to tag, for example an entire group "registered users?"
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