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[bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3 3.2.0

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I'm having an issue that I'm tagging a group and it's not updating who is in it.

Person A
Person B
Person C

are in group "123"

I'll tag @myOriginalExampleUserGroupIsAUserAndSoIDidThis and they'll be in it.

I'll remove Person B from the group via their Xenforo user groups and add Person D.

I'll tag @myOriginalExampleUserGroupIsAUserAndSoIDidThis and click on it, and it says:
Person A
Person B
Person C

And Person D never gets an alert.
How did you change the user group? Primary or secondary? Please do again but after each removal/addition, check the user group edit page to see if the member count has been updated.

Issue Notification even when tagged in private forum
When I tag an user in a private forum he receives the mail that he was tagged with a link. but the user has never access to this private forum, so it shouldn't alert him.

I have this issue for a long time on xf 1.3 and also now on xf 1.4.

Can you please fix this?
Try v3.1.0 ;)

When trying to tag a usergroup "registered" (7000+ users) it just hangs with the little working bar on top right and never posts the thread, hanging for 3 hours so far. What gives?
Try v3.1.0 ;)


Hi, what's the code for number member in usergroup {xen:number ***}
It's an admin template named "bdtagme_user_group_edit".

I have a few members who prefer to use single letter nics like "H" and tagging doesn't work for them. Is there anyway to include single letter nics in the tagging?
Sorry, single character username suggestion hurts performance so much that it cannot be done.
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How did you change the user group? Primary or secondary? Please do again but after each removal/addition, check the user group edit page to see if the member count has been updated.

Try v3.1.0 ;)

Try v3.1.0 ;)

It's an admin template named "bdtagme_user_group_edit".

Sorry, single character username suggestion hurts performance so much that it cannot be done.
Allthough, I'm runing XF 1.1.4 - will this update still work?
Allthough, I'm runing XF 1.1.4 - will this update still work?
No, it only works on XF 1.3 and 1.4. This has been the case for some time, XF 1.1 support was dropped from v2 of this add-on.

Time for you to upgrade to XF 1.4 perhaps? ;)
Add-on overview:-

Compatible XF Versions:
  • 1.3
  • 1.4
I know ...just had my hopes up for a loophole. :/
No, it only works on XF 1.3 and 1.4. This has been the case for some time, XF 1.1 support was dropped from v2 of this add-on.

Time for you to upgrade to XF 1.4 perhaps? ;)
It is ...but I've done hundreds (not kidding) of mods... Running a really active site, an upgrade is not just a click on a button for me. :/
It is ...but I've done hundreds (not kidding) of mods... Running a really active site, an upgrade is not just a click on a button for me. :/
Its not for anyone. That's why you should have a test site to trial the upgrade process and sort out issues before doing it on the live site.

Probably best to do the upgrade now to 1.4 than leave things until 2.0 as it could be even more problematic then with the huge changes that will bring.
Its not for anyone. That's why you should have a test site to trial the upgrade process and sort out issues before doing it on the live site.

Probably best to do the upgrade now to 1.4 than leave things until 2.0 as it could be even more problematic then with the huge changes that will bring.
Yupp, I know. Running a stage server already, just haven't got around to do it. Will take some time, time that I don't have. :/
When trying to tag a usergroup "registered" (7000+ users) it just hangs with the little working bar on top right and never posts the thread, hanging for 3 hours so far. What gives?
It seems to have worked @xfrocks - thanks. Question if a member is in several user groups - default registered then custom groups, will @registered also alert the other groups too or do I have to do all of them.
Allthough, I'm runing XF 1.1.4 - will this update still work?
Absolutely not. And 1.1.4 is really really old. You should at least be on 1.3 now...

It seems to have worked @xfrocks - thanks. Question if a member is in several user groups - default registered then custom groups, will @registered also alert the other groups too or do I have to do all of them.
Primary or secondary groups will work.
How did you change the user group? Primary or secondary? Please do again but after each removal/addition, check the user group edit page to see if the member count has been updated.
Secondary, the users are removed from the group, just not the tag. Reinstalling the addon updates the tags.
Making the group taggable:
"Is taggable (Members Count: 51)"
Oh. Right. That was too obvious. Sorry.
That sounds like a conflict with some other add-on I'm afraid. Because right after group information is changed, the add-on should perform an update. May I have your site information via conversation? I need to take a look.
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