Resource icon

[bd] Image 1.0.3

No permission to download
my "internal_data/bdImage/cache" is 20GB

is there a way to purge the bdimage cache? its too big, i don't see any option in the admin panel

is it safe to delete everything in the "internal_data/bdImage/cache" folder?
my "internal_data/bdImage/cache" is 20GB

is there a way to purge the bdimage cache? its too big, i don't see any option in the admin panel

is it safe to delete everything in the "internal_data/bdImage/cache" folder?
You can delete them all, files will be downloaded as needed. Also, you can also setup a cron to delete files that are older than 31 days.
hi @xfrocks,
I get this error message from time to time:

Server Error Log
Error Info
ErrorException: file_get_contents(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 - bdImage/thumbnail.php:92
Generated By: Unknown Account, Thursday at 3:05 PM
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'file_get_conten...', '/home/axel/publ...', 92, Array)
#1 /home/axel/public_html/forum/bdImage/thumbnail.php(92): file_get_contents('http://img.yout...')
#2 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(167) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(4) {
    ["url"] => string(49) ""
    ["size"] => string(2) "48"
    ["mode"] => string(2) "48"
    ["hash"] => string(32) "23aad84c6fe5babb9233194dbc8b1f9e"
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {

Can you please help out?
hi @xfrocks,
I get this error message from time to time:

Server Error Log
Error Info
ErrorException: file_get_contents(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 - bdImage/thumbnail.php:92
Generated By: Unknown Account, Thursday at 3:05 PM
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'file_get_conten...', '/home/axel/publ...', 92, Array)
#1 /home/axel/public_html/forum/bdImage/thumbnail.php(92): file_get_contents('http://img.yout...')
#2 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(167) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(4) {
    ["url"] => string(49) ""
    ["size"] => string(2) "48"
    ["mode"] => string(2) "48"
    ["hash"] => string(32) "23aad84c6fe5babb9233194dbc8b1f9e"
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {

Can you please help out?
Yes, it looks like your provider locked it down for security reason. You may need to ask them to help with this.
I got this weird message

XenForo_Exception: bdImage_XenForo_Model_Post::bdImage_getCachedPostById could not find the first post. Please contact pony at xfrocks dot com. array ( 'postId' => 285827, 'posts' => array ( 0 => 277235, 1 => 277245, 2 => 277262, 3 => 277270, 4 => 277277, 5 => 277284, 6 => 277290, 7 => 277299, 8 => 277308, 9 => 277318, 10 => 277326, 11 => 277349, 12 => 277357, 13 => 277361, 14 => 277456, 15 => 277468, 16 => 277475, 17 => 277488, 18 => 277496, 19 => 277503, 20 => 277506, 21 => 277566, 22 => 277589, 23 => 277608, 24 => 277628, 25 => 277648, 26 => 277671, 27 => 277887, 28 => 277892, 29 => 277898, 30 => 277903, 31 => 277912, 32 => 277918, 33 => 277928, 34 => 277935, 35 => 277939, 36 => 277947, 37 => 277953, 38 => 277960, 39 => 277966, 40 => 277974, 41 => 277977, 42 => 277984, 43 => 277989, 44 => 277997, 45 => 278001, 46 => 278005, 47 => 278011, 48 => 278018, 49 => 278022, 50 => 278026, 51 => 278034, 52 => 278038, 53 => 278042, 54 => 278046, 55 => 278050, 56 => 278051, 57 => 278056, 58 => 278063, 59 => 278067, 60 => 278071, 61 => 278074, 62 => 278077, 63 => 278083, 64 => 278284, 65 => 278593, 66 => 278601, 67 => 278608, 68 => 278618, 69 => 278626, 70 => 278634, 71 => 278642, 72 => 278647, 73 => 278652, 74 => 278661, 75 => 278666, 76 => 278676, 77 => 278685, 78 => 278696, 79 => 278702, 80 => 278716, 81 => 278723, 82 => 278735, 83 => 278741, 84 => 278756, 85 => 278765, 86 => 278773, 87 => 278838, 88 => 278843, 89 => 278852, 90 => 278859, 91 => 278866, 92 => 278905, 93 => 278912, 94 => 278914, 95 => 278923, 96 => 278931, 97 => 278937, 98 => 278945, 99 => 278953, 100 => 278963, 101 => 278971, 102 => 278977, 103 => 278978, 104 => 278987, 105 => 278996, 106 => 279001, 107 => 279007, 108 => 279016, 109 => 279026, 110 => 279030, 111 => 279039, 112 => 279047, 113 => 279056, 114 => 279060, 115 => 279068, 116 => 279074, 117 => 279084, 118 => 279088, 119 => 279090, 120 => 279098, 121 => 279352, 122 => 279636, 123 => 279645, 124 => 279649, 125 => 279652, 126 => 279664, 127 => 279670, 128 => 279677, 129 => 279684, 130 => 279690, 131 => 279700, 132 => 279912, 133 => 279915, 134 => 279922, 135 => 279929, 136 => 279936, 137 => 279940, 138 => 279947, 139 => 279951, 140 => 279956, 141 => 279962, 142 => 279972, 143 => 279978, 144 => 279986, 145 => 279991, 146 => 279998, 147 => 280003, 148 => 280012, 149 => 280016, 150 => 280022, 151 => 280055, 152 => 280063, 153 => 280070, 154 => 280075, 155 => 280080, 156 => 280087, 157 => 280098, 158 => 280105, 159 => 280109, 160 => 281293, 161 => 281298, 162 => 281302, 163 => 281368, 164 => 281373, 165 => 281379, 166 => 281384, 167 => 281389, 168 => 281393, 169 => 281396, 170 => 281404, 171 => 281410, 172 => 281422, 173 => 281423, 174 => 281428, 175 => 281435, 176 => 281493, 177 => 281548, 178 => 281554, 179 => 281555, 180 => 281559, 181 => 281560, 182 => 281566, 183 => 281567, 184 => 281569, 185 => 281572, 186 => 281574, 187 => 281576, 188 => 281582, 189 => 281586, 190 => 281589, 191 => 281597, 192 => 281604, 193 => 281609, 194 => 281617, 195 => 281627, 196 => 281631, 197 => 281684, 198 => 281687, 199 => 281693, 200 => 281697, 201 => 281703, 202 => 281705, 203 => 281712, 204 => 281716, 205 => 281720, 206 => 281724, 207 => 281730, 208 => 281734, 209 => 281739, 210 => 281745, 211 => 281749, 212 => 281758, 213 => 281759, 214 => 281764, 215 => 281766, 216 => 281961, 217 => 281966, 218 => 281974, 219 => 281981, 220 => 281984, 221 => 281987, 222 => 281991, 223 => 282001, 224 => 282011, 225 => 282020, 226 => 282024, 227 => 282032, 228 => 282038, 229 => 282043, 230 => 282047, 231 => 282085, 232 => 282090, 233 => 282092, 234 => 282102, 235 => 282107, 236 => 282114, 237 => 282125, 238 => 282134, 239 => 282989, 240 => 283000, 241 => 283014, 242 => 283731, 243 => 283737, 244 => 283744, 245 => 283750, 246 => 283757, 247 => 283764, 248 => 284833, 249 => 284840, 250 => 284850, 251 => 284861, 252 => 284894, 253 => 284898, 254 => 284903, 255 => 284906, 256 => 284908, 257 => 284913, 258 => 284916, 259 => 284921, 260 => 284923, 261 => 285026, 262 => 285034, 263 => 285040, 264 => 285047, 265 => 285054, 266 => 285061, 267 => 285072, 268 => 285086, 269 => 285093, 270 => 285098, 271 => 285106, 272 => 285114, 273 => 285121, 274 => 285128, 275 => 285134, 276 => 285141, 277 => 285145, 278 => 285150, 279 => 285156, 280 => 285164, 281 => 285169, 282 => 285237, 283 => 285243, 284 => 285248, 285 => 285255, 286 => 285259, 287 => 285265, 288 => 285271, 289 => 285273, 290 => 285278, 291 => 285282, 292 => 285288, 293 => 285291, 294 => 285295, 295 => 285299, 296 => 285307, 297 => 285310, 298 => 285315, 299 => 285317, 300 => 285320, 301 => 285339, 302 => 285341, 303 => 285345, 304 => 285348, ), ) - library/bdImage/XenForo/Model/Post.php:29
Generated By: admin, 4 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/forum/public_html/library/bdImage/XenForo/DataWriter/Discussion/Thread.php(22): bdImage_XenForo_Model_Post->bdImage_getCachedPostById(285827)
#1 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/Deferred/Thread.php(44): bdImage_XenForo_DataWriter_Discussion_Thread->rebuildDiscussionCounters()
#2 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(295): XenForo_Deferred_Thread->execute(Array, Array, 7.99999785423, '')
#3 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(429): XenForo_Model_Deferred->runDeferred(Array, 7.99999785423, '', false)
#4 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(374): XenForo_Model_Deferred->_runInternal(Array, NULL, '', false)
#5 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Tools.php(159): XenForo_Model_Deferred->run(true, NULL, '', false)
#6 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Tools->actionRunDeferred()
#7 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#8 /home/forum/public_html/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#9 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(49) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(1) {
    ["tools/run-deferred"] => string(0) ""
  ["_POST"] => array(3) {
    ["redirect"] => string(54) ""
    ["execute"] => string(1) "1"
    ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
I got this weird message

XenForo_Exception: bdImage_XenForo_Model_Post::bdImage_getCachedPostById could not find the first post. Please contact pony at xfrocks dot com. array ( 'postId' => 285827, 'posts' => array ( 0 => 277235, 1 => 277245, 2 => 277262, 3 => 277270, 4 => 277277, 5 => 277284, 6 => 277290, 7 => 277299, 8 => 277308, 9 => 277318, 10 => 277326, 11 => 277349, 12 => 277357, 13 => 277361, 14 => 277456, 15 => 277468, 16 => 277475, 17 => 277488, 18 => 277496, 19 => 277503, 20 => 277506, 21 => 277566, 22 => 277589, 23 => 277608, 24 => 277628, 25 => 277648, 26 => 277671, 27 => 277887, 28 => 277892, 29 => 277898, 30 => 277903, 31 => 277912, 32 => 277918, 33 => 277928, 34 => 277935, 35 => 277939, 36 => 277947, 37 => 277953, 38 => 277960, 39 => 277966, 40 => 277974, 41 => 277977, 42 => 277984, 43 => 277989, 44 => 277997, 45 => 278001, 46 => 278005, 47 => 278011, 48 => 278018, 49 => 278022, 50 => 278026, 51 => 278034, 52 => 278038, 53 => 278042, 54 => 278046, 55 => 278050, 56 => 278051, 57 => 278056, 58 => 278063, 59 => 278067, 60 => 278071, 61 => 278074, 62 => 278077, 63 => 278083, 64 => 278284, 65 => 278593, 66 => 278601, 67 => 278608, 68 => 278618, 69 => 278626, 70 => 278634, 71 => 278642, 72 => 278647, 73 => 278652, 74 => 278661, 75 => 278666, 76 => 278676, 77 => 278685, 78 => 278696, 79 => 278702, 80 => 278716, 81 => 278723, 82 => 278735, 83 => 278741, 84 => 278756, 85 => 278765, 86 => 278773, 87 => 278838, 88 => 278843, 89 => 278852, 90 => 278859, 91 => 278866, 92 => 278905, 93 => 278912, 94 => 278914, 95 => 278923, 96 => 278931, 97 => 278937, 98 => 278945, 99 => 278953, 100 => 278963, 101 => 278971, 102 => 278977, 103 => 278978, 104 => 278987, 105 => 278996, 106 => 279001, 107 => 279007, 108 => 279016, 109 => 279026, 110 => 279030, 111 => 279039, 112 => 279047, 113 => 279056, 114 => 279060, 115 => 279068, 116 => 279074, 117 => 279084, 118 => 279088, 119 => 279090, 120 => 279098, 121 => 279352, 122 => 279636, 123 => 279645, 124 => 279649, 125 => 279652, 126 => 279664, 127 => 279670, 128 => 279677, 129 => 279684, 130 => 279690, 131 => 279700, 132 => 279912, 133 => 279915, 134 => 279922, 135 => 279929, 136 => 279936, 137 => 279940, 138 => 279947, 139 => 279951, 140 => 279956, 141 => 279962, 142 => 279972, 143 => 279978, 144 => 279986, 145 => 279991, 146 => 279998, 147 => 280003, 148 => 280012, 149 => 280016, 150 => 280022, 151 => 280055, 152 => 280063, 153 => 280070, 154 => 280075, 155 => 280080, 156 => 280087, 157 => 280098, 158 => 280105, 159 => 280109, 160 => 281293, 161 => 281298, 162 => 281302, 163 => 281368, 164 => 281373, 165 => 281379, 166 => 281384, 167 => 281389, 168 => 281393, 169 => 281396, 170 => 281404, 171 => 281410, 172 => 281422, 173 => 281423, 174 => 281428, 175 => 281435, 176 => 281493, 177 => 281548, 178 => 281554, 179 => 281555, 180 => 281559, 181 => 281560, 182 => 281566, 183 => 281567, 184 => 281569, 185 => 281572, 186 => 281574, 187 => 281576, 188 => 281582, 189 => 281586, 190 => 281589, 191 => 281597, 192 => 281604, 193 => 281609, 194 => 281617, 195 => 281627, 196 => 281631, 197 => 281684, 198 => 281687, 199 => 281693, 200 => 281697, 201 => 281703, 202 => 281705, 203 => 281712, 204 => 281716, 205 => 281720, 206 => 281724, 207 => 281730, 208 => 281734, 209 => 281739, 210 => 281745, 211 => 281749, 212 => 281758, 213 => 281759, 214 => 281764, 215 => 281766, 216 => 281961, 217 => 281966, 218 => 281974, 219 => 281981, 220 => 281984, 221 => 281987, 222 => 281991, 223 => 282001, 224 => 282011, 225 => 282020, 226 => 282024, 227 => 282032, 228 => 282038, 229 => 282043, 230 => 282047, 231 => 282085, 232 => 282090, 233 => 282092, 234 => 282102, 235 => 282107, 236 => 282114, 237 => 282125, 238 => 282134, 239 => 282989, 240 => 283000, 241 => 283014, 242 => 283731, 243 => 283737, 244 => 283744, 245 => 283750, 246 => 283757, 247 => 283764, 248 => 284833, 249 => 284840, 250 => 284850, 251 => 284861, 252 => 284894, 253 => 284898, 254 => 284903, 255 => 284906, 256 => 284908, 257 => 284913, 258 => 284916, 259 => 284921, 260 => 284923, 261 => 285026, 262 => 285034, 263 => 285040, 264 => 285047, 265 => 285054, 266 => 285061, 267 => 285072, 268 => 285086, 269 => 285093, 270 => 285098, 271 => 285106, 272 => 285114, 273 => 285121, 274 => 285128, 275 => 285134, 276 => 285141, 277 => 285145, 278 => 285150, 279 => 285156, 280 => 285164, 281 => 285169, 282 => 285237, 283 => 285243, 284 => 285248, 285 => 285255, 286 => 285259, 287 => 285265, 288 => 285271, 289 => 285273, 290 => 285278, 291 => 285282, 292 => 285288, 293 => 285291, 294 => 285295, 295 => 285299, 296 => 285307, 297 => 285310, 298 => 285315, 299 => 285317, 300 => 285320, 301 => 285339, 302 => 285341, 303 => 285345, 304 => 285348, ), ) - library/bdImage/XenForo/Model/Post.php:29
Generated By: admin, 4 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/forum/public_html/library/bdImage/XenForo/DataWriter/Discussion/Thread.php(22): bdImage_XenForo_Model_Post->bdImage_getCachedPostById(285827)
#1 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/Deferred/Thread.php(44): bdImage_XenForo_DataWriter_Discussion_Thread->rebuildDiscussionCounters()
#2 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(295): XenForo_Deferred_Thread->execute(Array, Array, 7.99999785423, '')
#3 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(429): XenForo_Model_Deferred->runDeferred(Array, 7.99999785423, '', false)
#4 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(374): XenForo_Model_Deferred->_runInternal(Array, NULL, '', false)
#5 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Tools.php(159): XenForo_Model_Deferred->run(true, NULL, '', false)
#6 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Tools->actionRunDeferred()
#7 /home/forum/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#8 /home/forum/public_html/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#9 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(49) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(1) {
    ["tools/run-deferred"] => string(0) ""
  ["_POST"] => array(3) {
    ["redirect"] => string(54) ""
    ["execute"] => string(1) "1"
    ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
Looks like you are trying to rebuild threads but some posts are missing. Please try upgrading to this version
why is there 2 versions?

here says
[bd] Image 1.0.3

on your website
[bd] Image 1.2.2

is it same features?

the new version rocks!!!!!

fallback images & file ttl & thread thread image in forum list,

thank you sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i went to github and downloaded the newest version(2.2.1) and it looks like some features are missing since 1.2.2

did you remove some features?

version 1.2.2 has thread images "latest replies"

but 2.2.1 is missing this feature i cannot find it,

[bd] Image 2.2.1
[bd] Widget Framework 2.5.9


i went to github and downloaded the newest version(2.2.1) and it looks like some features are missing since 1.2.2

did you remove some features?

version 1.2.2 has thread images "latest replies"
View attachment 156528

but 2.2.1 is missing this feature i cannot find it,

[bd] Image 2.2.1
[bd] Widget Framework 2.5.9

Hmm, it's still there. You may need Widget Framework 2.6.3 beta though.


  • Screen Shot 2017-08-28 at 10.18.09 AM.webp
    Screen Shot 2017-08-28 at 10.18.09 AM.webp
    52 KB · Views: 18
I don't see it,

in your picture 2.6.3 it has "New Threads" only

1.2.2 has "New Threads" & "Latest Replies"


Last edited:
v2.6.3 BETA 21, 20 & 19 not work for me

only 18 and down work for me

ErrorException: Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting ',' or ';' - library/WidgetFramework/WidgetRenderer/UserFollow.php:5
Generated By: admin, A moment ago
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(55) ""
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["widgets/1/edit"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(0) {
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