I think you may have misunderstood me, or I am still missing something.
Like I have a bbcode, let's call It test. [test]
I give parser permissions to the "Admin" group.
I post [test] Test [/test], and my css appears nice an fine.
Users do not see that test bbcode due to lack of parsing permissions.
A User posts [test] Test [/test], the User can't see It, but I can.
So my problem is, I want parsing enabled for everyone, but if the actual person who made the post doesn't have permission to use the BBcode, then It will disappear for everyone.
Alright, so solving my own problem using your addon. Seems to be working logically, not a web developer here soz. More like a platform dev instead.
So If anyone is interested applying a custom check in the templates, wheather the POST'S USER is allowed to use the specific BBCode, here is how I did It.
So I went on right ahead, and made myself a custom addon exactly like that:
I'm attaching my own "helper", It's exactly as the tutorial. I left It like that for newbies I guess, BUT I DID bother changing the method. The name is: containsdata
I also edited the Base.php, as I saw that was the correct one to edit, and again I wasn't sure If I'm doing It right, but I should be..
Seems to be working after lots of testing, without errors. (Base.zip, /library/BBM/BbCode/Formatter)
The only thing I added was:
$rendererStates['PosterMainUserGroups'] = $this->getPostParam('user_group_id');
$rendererStates['PosterSecondaryUserGroups'] = $this->getPostParam('secondary_group_ids');
Then I went on and called the custom template as usual, which calls my own css design for the bbcode:
Code was:
<xen:if is="{xen:helper containsdata, $rendererStates.PosterMainUserGroups, 4} OR {xen:helper containsdata, $rendererStates.PosterSecondaryUserGroups, 4}">
<div class="admin-title">Text</div>
<div class="admin-text" style="float:{$float}">{xen:raw $content}</div>
<xen:else />
{xen:raw $content}
Notice that the {xen:helper containsdata, $rendererStates.PosterMainUserGroups,
was the usergroup I wanted to limit the bbcode to. And It doesn't work for people who don't have the groupID 4.
(This applies to the posters, not to the visitors, so If the poster didn't have permissions, nobody will see It, If It did then everyone will see It)
Once more, thanks for the wonderful addon. I just had to find a way to extend It for myself.
Attached a V2 Helper. (Files only)