BBcode MediaSites Package [Deleted]

Is there a specific way you have to enter the URL for the ebay code?

Have tried to enter the full URL, the URL up to the item number and just the item number with no luck

It worked only about a week ago, and does if you enter
I was just coming to ask about eBay linking, I cant seem to get them to display for, I tried editing the Site URL to, Match URLs and Embed HTML to instead of .com and cant seem to get the UK ebay to work.

What else would I need to change?
We are getting this error in our log:
ErrorException: Use of undefined constant html - assumed 'html' - library/MediaSites/Twitter.php:13
I think it was fixed in the separate Twitter package but not in this bundle yet.
It's funny when you warned about removing yesterday, I downloaded a few of them then I thought to myself...

I thought there was a package he had but I didn't find it so I said well at least I have the ones I just downloaded lol.
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