Trying to make some bbcode functionality using the Simple bbcode editor, and when trying to, I get a lot of <br> spam...
Here's how I'm setting it:
Each element that requires the table has its own bbcode...
How can I stop the br spam that appears? Seems like it only happens from above the table.
Here's how I'm setting it:
Each element that requires the table has its own bbcode...
[th] Col [/th]
[th] Col 2 [/th]
[td] Value 1 [/td]
[td] Value 2 [/td]
[td] Value 1 [/td]
[td] Value 2 [/td]
[td] Value 1 [/td]
[td] Value 2 [/td]
[td] Value 1 [/td]
[td] Value 2 [/td]
How can I stop the br spam that appears? Seems like it only happens from above the table.
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