XF 1.4 BB Codes not working on terms of service page


Hey guys, editing the terms of service page to put in my new rules but the BB Codes I'm using won't work. I'm using the codes displayed on the "BB Code" page but they're not working, would anyone know why or explain to me what I'm doing wrong, thanks guys!
Hey guys, editing the terms of service page to put in my new rules but the BB Codes I'm using won't work. I'm using the codes displayed on the "BB Code" page but they're not working, would anyone know why or explain to me what I'm doing wrong, thanks guys!
You can use this addon that will allow you to use Bb Code there or you can also use this other addon. With this one you can use a template to create your help page and inside this template you can use Bb Codes ; that allows you to phrase the all content. Here's a simple template demo:

<xen:set var="$presentation">[justify]{xen:phrase sedo_demo_help_fc_presentation}[/justify]
[bimg=bcenter|80%|no-lightbox]{xen:link 'canonical:styles/sedo/demo/zhfc/help_demo_fc.png'}[/bimg]

<div id="my_demo_help" class="sectionMain" data-author="{$xenOptions.boardTitle}">
   <div class="secondaryContent">
     <h1 class="textHeading">{$page.description}</h1>

     <div class="messageText ugc baseHtml">
       {xen:helper bbm_unbreakable_quote,
         {xen:helper bbCode, $bbCodeParser, $presentation}
   <xen:comment>Avatar for Lightbox</xen:comment>
   <a class="avatar" style="display:none"><img src="{xen:link 'canonical:styles/sedo/demo/mc.png'}" /></a>

And even more basic:
<xen:set var="$presentation">[b]Bouh ![/b]</xen:set>

<div id="my_demo_help" class="sectionMain" data-author="{$xenOptions.boardTitle}">
   <div class="secondaryContent">
     <h1 class="textHeading">{$page.description}</h1>

     <div class="messageText ugc baseHtml">
       {xen:helper bbCode, $bbCodeParser, $presentation}
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