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BB Code Media Site support for Google Documents 1.0

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Saeed submitted a new resource:

BB Code Media Site support for Google Documents (version 1.0) - Allows embedding of Google Documents by adding support under XenForo's BB Code Media Site Manager

This resource / tutorial will help you add an entry for Google Documents to your BB Code Media Sites in your Admin Control Panel.


1. Go to your Admin Control Panel > Home > BB Code Media Sites > Add BB Code Media Site.

2. Here, enter the following information:

Media Site ID: googledocument

Site Title: Google Document

Site URL:

Match URLs:{$id}{$id}/

Embed HTML:

Rich (BB code):
<iframe src="{$id}&amp;embedded=true" width="100%" height="600"></iframe>

You may change the width and height to your liking (shown in the code above in blue).

3. Click "Save the BB Code Media Site".

4. To embed the document with the URL of a Google Document, click "Embed Media" and paste the URL.

5. To embed the document manually, the format would be something like this:


The result should look something like this:

I followed all of the steps and it is not working for some reason. I show it in my control panel but it is not allowing me to paste when I try to embed media. I even tried to do it manually with the code but it does not show up. I went back and checked and everything looks good. Any reason why it wouldn't be showing up?
Now "Google Documents' shows up in my embed media player but I get an error saying the specified URL cannot be embedded as media. Can anyone help?
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