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BB Code Manager

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WHOA export is SEXY..... YESH !!! and this thing has so many options now...

so happy right now...

It's like a mini-holiday between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Here's some code for you...
$bond = new James_Bond();
$bond->setMission('Eliminate Target')->setTarget('Forsaken')->setTargetLocation('XenForo.com')->createLicenseToKill()->createSenseOfUrgency();
And of course... the die would output this...
James Bond reporting on mission "Eliminate Target." The target, Forsaken, was found at XenForo.com and I used my license to kill to elimante the target it in 0.0000001ms. Completing mission by hiding the evidence and returning to HQ. Bond out.

Just kiddin'. :D
Like thats the first time I've gotten threats on my life over the Internet!

At least you're not going to try to bomb my house.
Updated to the latest version, working like charm. Thanks again to our King :) Amazing, outstanding work...
That worked. :)

The float BBCode is not meant to allow for the text to wrap around the image/text, right? I was looking for the 'wrap' code I guess. Can anyone help with that code?


  • float.webp
    61.6 KB · Views: 14
That worked. :)

The float BBCode is not meant to allow for the text to wrap around the image/text, right? I was looking for the 'wrap' code I guess. Can anyone help with that code?
That should have updated, but modify it to <span style="float: %s;"> and </span>.
Strange thing with spoiler bbcode.
Try this:
Hidden Text
You will see a spoiler with 'hello' button and when you click on it the text changes to 'Dolly'
Strange thing with spoiler bbcode.
Try this:
Hidden Text
You will see a spoiler with 'hello' button and when you click on it the text changes to 'Dolly'
As Indigo said, introduced in v1.2, I created an advanced options setting, and so I introduced a uniform way to split options: ", ". And, Spoiler was switched to utilize this system. Its an unfortunate side effect that the original can't really have that. Unless you use the HTML entity for a comma, which should work.
King Kovifor, is it possible to override the main CENTER function of the editor and make a custome one which allows to center content ?

I'm asking this because every time I try to edit and save a post in which the content is centered the post is getting messed up. When you swich to the simple editor in every line CENTER tags are been created and this causes problem while editing. So It would be nice a center function can be made, which behaves like QUOTE or spoiler, doesn't create bunch of unnecessary tags.
King Kovifor, is it possible to override the main CENTER function of the editor and make a custome one which allows to center content ?

I'm asking this because every time I try to edit and save a post in which the content is centered the post is getting messed up. When you swich to the simple editor in every line CENTER tags are been created and this causes problem while editing. So It would be nice a center function can be made, which behaves like QUOTE or spoiler, doesn't create bunch of unnecessary tags.
I actually disallow the creation of BB Codes with the names of default BB Codes in v1.2. Problems with the code / editor should be reported as bugs. And the only way to get formatting is to allow tags...?
I actually disallow the creation of BB Codes with the names of default BB Codes in v1.2. Problems with the code / editor should be reported as bugs. And the only way to get formatting is to allow tags...?

I did that actually but Mike said it was developed that way and they don't see that as a bug. Nevertless, this is continuing to be a problem. Expecially on boards where posts get updated periodically.

That's more of an underlying software issue thn the use of [CENTER]. Its the way BB Code Parsing / unparsing works. Fixing that in BBCM may entail rewriting the BB Code Parsing.
That's more of an underlying software issue thn the use of [CENTER]. Its the way BB Code Parsing / unparsing works. Fixing that in BBCM may entail rewriting the BB Code Parsing.

I said it back then that this was not an issue with vBulletin's editor. What you see is what you get even if you change between the editors. And now with XenForo's editor you have a lot of center tags created which makes it very hard to edit centered content. I hope one day a solution presents itself. For now, I delete every center tag from my database:

UPDATE xf_post SET message = REPLACE(message, '[CENTER]', '')
UPDATE xf_post SET message = REPLACE(message, '[/CENTER]', '')
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