Banner on the middle categories

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> node_category_level_1

Add the red code at the top. You need to specify the node_id of the category below:

Rich (BB code):
<xen:if is="{$category.node_id} == 1">

<xen:require css="node_list.css" />
<xen:require css="node_category.css" />

<li class="node category level_{$level} node_{$category.node_id}" id="{xen:helper linktitle, $category.node_id, $category.title, 1}">

	<div class="nodeInfo categoryNodeInfo categoryStrip">
		<div class="categoryText">
			<h3 class="nodeTitle"><a href="{xen:link categories, $category}">{$category.title}</a></h3>
			<xen:if is="{$category.description}"><blockquote class="nodeDescription baseHtml">{xen:raw $category.description}</blockquote></xen:if>
Is there any way of doing this for multiple node ids on a single copy of the code? I was going use it for adding a custom hook in between categories for the banner software I was using....
I was trying to just place a graphic in between the nodes that I have made using photobucket but it ended up being like a clickable link to the photobucket it's self. I found out later that I am suppose to add the photo to my domain but I stand by what I say when I know I'm not all that bright when it comes to tech things XD. It would be nice to get a step by step walkthrough on how to add a image that is un clickable and responsive.
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