Banner not clickable

That is a custom header in this template:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> logo_block

You need to surround that text with a hyperlink:

<a href="LINK HERE">LW-Style</a>
That is a custom header in this template:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> logo_block

You need to surround that text with a hyperlink:

[S]<a href="LINK HERE">LW-Style</a>[/S]

My logo block has this:
<xen:include template="logo_txt" />[/S]
[S]<div id="logoBlock">[/S]
[S]    <div class="pageWidth">[/S]
[S]        <div class="pageContent">[/S]
[S]            <xen:include template="ad_header" />[/S]
[S]            <xen:hook name="header_logo">[/S]
[S]            <div id="logo">[/S]
[S]                      <lwstyle>[/S]
[S]            </lwstyle></div>[/S]
[S]            </xen:hook>[/S]
[S]            <span class="helper"></span>[/S]
[S]        </div>[/S]
[S]    </div>[/S]

Anything I go to change, it messes it up. How do I go about making it link, and also change the text of it?

I found out how to do it. I am good.
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