Not a bug Banned users now visible


After upgrading Xenforo from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 banned users are now again visible where they'd previously be hidden, including in follower/following lists, member top poster/likes lists and such.

I'm unsure if this is intentional, or if it's a new feature. If it's a feature can we turn it off somehow? We'd rather banned profiles were hidden from our community for a variety of reasons.

We have not made any changes in terms of addons other than updating our UI.X addon for our theme and adding the Post Ratings addon.
Can you post some links showing where banned members are displaying?

We haven't had any other reports related to this.
Is it the same on a default style with all add-ons disabled?

As stated by the thread starter, they made no changes with the exception of updating a theme. Perhaps, before replying you should read the thread more carefully. Lately I find that your answers here are no more than canned statements, not helpful to anyone. It's almost like XF is going the way of vB when it comes to support.
Confirming that is very relevant and correct as:
  1. Literally nothing has changed with this code between 1.5.0 and 1.5.1.
  2. The code very explicitly omits banned users.
  3. Eliminating variables is the first step in efficient debugging.
If a bug is reported that suggests behavior has changed where no code has changed, add-ons are absolutely going to be the first thing to check. Perhaps it may be more helpful to attempt to confirm the issue so we can try to get to the bottom of it.

If you have any further comments on that, then contact me directly so we can keep this focused on the actual report.
We have not made any changes in terms of addons other than updating our UI.X addon for our theme and adding the Post Ratings addon.
I have access to the Post Ratings add-on, so I thought I would give this a try. With the Post Ratings add-on enabled, I can reproduce the problem.

If you disable Post Ratings you should see the behaviour return to normal.

You should report this issue in the add-on discussion thread, here:
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