After upgrading Xenforo from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 banned users are now again visible where they'd previously be hidden, including in follower/following lists, member top poster/likes lists and such.
I'm unsure if this is intentional, or if it's a new feature. If it's a feature can we turn it off somehow? We'd rather banned profiles were hidden from our community for a variety of reasons.
We have not made any changes in terms of addons other than updating our UI.X addon for our theme and adding the Post Ratings addon.
I'm unsure if this is intentional, or if it's a new feature. If it's a feature can we turn it off somehow? We'd rather banned profiles were hidden from our community for a variety of reasons.
We have not made any changes in terms of addons other than updating our UI.X addon for our theme and adding the Post Ratings addon.