XF 2.0 Backwards compatibility breaks in XenForo 2.0.0 Beta 2


XenForo developer
Staff member
As we're now in the beta phase, we will be noting any API changes that may break add-ons between versions. While we will not be breaking backwards compatibility without reason, during the beta phase it may be necessary to facilitate necessary changes.

Once a stable version is released, we will avoid breaking changes within a third-point release (x.x.X) as far as possible.

XF\Service\Attachment\Insert service renamed
This service has been renamed to XF\Service\Attachment\Preparer as it now supports actions relating to attachment editing. The existing methods it exposes are unchanged.

XF\Error::logException (and wrappers) now do not rollback by default
The rollback argument now defaults to false as most situations that use call this method explicitly will not want rollback behavior. Should you need this, you will need to explicitly pass true in for this argument.

XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity::get no longer supports implicit getters
Previously, any getCamelCase method would be called if you accessed "camel_case" through Entity::get (or any method that called it), even if this was not explicitly defined as a getter. This is no longer the case. Getters will only be invoked if explicitly defined in the entity structure. You can resolve any errors from this by explicitly defining the getter or calling the getCamelCase method directly.
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