XF 1.3 Backup fIle problem after domain name change


Active member
Hello Gang!

I have been doing some searching on how to change my forum domain name and to be honest it's very confusing to me. To be clear, I want to keep my forum and all it's content I just want a different ULR. Do I really need to move the database and reinstall xenforo on the server just to change my ULR? The idea of doing this and messing something up is terrifying.

Godaddy is my host and it is a shared server. I know no one likes godaddy, but I'm new to all this and it was a safe bet. Currently when I back up my forum I use the cpanel software godaddy provides. I tried looking into running a back up using code on the sever but it is way beyond my skill level. So I use the phpMyAdmin to backup the 'Database' and I use Backup Wizard to backup the 'Home Directory'. Do backing these two things up assure the forum will be put back together the same way on the new install if that is what I have to do?

I also have a custom theme/style running, do I need to backup/export that as well via ACP?

I know there is lots threads out there for this but I'm really looking for an idiots guide. Can someone explain this to me please?

Many Thanks,
Boys and girls... here is one reason NOT to trust phpMyAdmin for your backups (if you have a halfway large DB)
2006 - MySQL server has gone away

Right after one of the tables...
Due to the work that @Tracy Perry did. He found out that the problem was on Godaddys end and they have agreed to try to fix and restore my forum by using files from the short archive they keep. My understanding is that it would have been $150 charge to do this without the info Tracey provided. I'm very thankful for what Tracy has done. Thank you so very much, truly above and beyond.

Many Thanks,:D
I feel for you, been there . Worst case scenario you can have godaddy restore the old domain and old site. A site with that's works with the wrong domain is better than a broken site..JMO
Still waiting to here back. They said they were 'pretty' sure they could fix this, I sure hope so. I have fought tooth and nail learning how to get this forum up and for every member. Website building is not in my natural skill-set. Thank you all for your help! ;)

They should have been able to restore from a backup (hopefully they DO backups - and do verifies frequently - and not just say they do). Once they get it back online, I would suggest looking at another method of backing up my DB other than phpMyAdmin (there used to be an add-on that used Sypex - but I don't know if it still works or not on 1.3.x series).
Further, you may want to investigate moving to another hosting company that has a good history of reliable backups if that is all that you can depend on (which I would never recommend).
Being a newbie too, I used to have Godaddy as well due to their simplicity but had nothing but problems even then. I would also recommend switching hosting, godaddy recently sold their company and it's even slipped further down. JMO
Yes changing is something I'm thinking about now. Also I need to figure out how to use shell for backups. One of their guys gave me the line of code and showed me what info goes where but I still need to find the software to run it I believe. I'm on apple and the guy said he thinks I might be able to run it using terminal. Not sure.
Yes changing is something I'm thinking about now. Also I need to figure out how to use shell for backups. One of their guys gave me the line of code and showed me what info goes where but I still need to find the software to run it I believe. I'm on apple and the guy said he thinks I might be able to run it using terminal. Not sure.
Relay that code to me in our ongoing conversation. I'm on a Mac also...
To get everyone up to date, we were able to get the forum to work off an older database and directory. The latest issue is that some of the add-ons are not rendering correctly. For example xenporta recent threads is not working but the xenporta slider is working, both work off of the same add-on. I tried disabling and back but noting is helping. Are these things normal from changing the domain and restoring?

Many thanks
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