Avatar thumbnail compression


Well-known member
When members upload a picture for avatar, it's recommended to use at least 200x200. Does it has a max size?

When I upload an exact 200x200 image, it fills the profile picture but the quality is lower, as well in smaller versions of the avatar after the system takes it in.

Is there any setting in ACP where we can adjust thumbnail quality? like 90% or more?
I've not seen anything in the menus, but if you go to

/library/XenForo/Image/Gd.php and look for:

public function output($outputType, $outputFile = null, $quality = 75)

You can change the quality value to something higher.
The maximum avatar size you can upload is 192x384 px

The quality is lower on the membercard and user avatar block due to the conversion and compression.

As Jesepi has posted above, this can be changed to suit but it will take pages longer to load and make it worse for users browsing via mobile phones/cell phones.
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