Fixed Avatar size in sidebar too high


Affected version
2.3 Beta 7
In sidebars the avatar size is intended to be 2/3 of the normal size.
Due to the fact that css computations in 2.3 have to be surrounded by parentheses this fails for e.g.the visitor panel in the sidebars.

The bug is in app_body.less:
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: top;
width: @xf-sidebarWidth;

.contentRow-figure .avatar--m
// make these avatars a bit smaller in the sidebar so the content has more space
.m-avatarSize(@avatar-m * 2 / 3);
the line with .m-avatarSize has to be changed to
.m-avatarSize((@avatar-m * 2 / 3));
Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future XF release (2.3.0 Beta 8).

Change log:
Update sidebar avatars for LESS strict math mode
There may be a delay before changes are rolled out to the XenForo Community.
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