Implemented Automatic upgrade / update


Well-known member
I think that the forum software should be able to do autonomous updates within a minor series, i.e. 1.0 ->1.0.1 ->1.0.2, however, not for 1.1 or 1.2. Might be useful for bugfixes, etc.

This saves a little time downloading and uploading files.

Security could be ensured by means of simple md5 or whatever to verify integrity of the file downloaded by the system.

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That would require access to the server to download/PUT the files no?

No, the script can download a zip, (yes, authentication can be used so that members only can download the patches), and then PHP-pclzip (or whatever is appropriate [that class is LGPL]) can be used to extract the files, and the system can automatically place the required files :)
I don't think it should update automatically (without the admin's permission), but updating within the Admin CP would be awesome. WordPress has it and it is simply a spectacular feature. You would no longer have to go through the process of download, extract, upload, run upgrade script, etc. One click in the Admin CP and you're done. :)
Boards with modified files would have to do a manual upgrade per the norm most likely. I do agree though that an automatic updating system would be pretty neat but I can see so many problems arising because of it. I think the best bet in all actuality is to go with the norm and let people manually patch their boards.
Is this the same kind of updating process in wordpress 3 series (dunno if it was in previous versions of WP). If so, then yes. And as Kurtz mentioned Admin auth required) admin id1.
That would be the next feature to turn off (after Facebook- and Twitter Integration) for me.

I want to decide when to run an update. If problems arise i want to be able to look into them.
Obvious we don't a script that does things without admin permission, so basically as in WP, the script would check, and then, offer automatic installation of the minor files. The script could also check for file customisations and request you save them before continuing.
Is this the same kind of updating process in wordpress 3 series (dunno if it was in previous versions of WP). If so, then yes. And as Kurtz mentioned Admin auth required) admin id1.

yes, it's something like Windows Update, you can fully configure it ... you can plan the download (but not upgrade), the download with the auto-upgrade, and finally, only check out if there are updated files available (than you can select if you want upgrade or not) ...

clearly, only the ID1 will be allowed to do this things ... :)
I like this idea but i would like to see it set out like this,

1) not an auto update but one-click update
2) only super administrators (set in config or something) can run the updates.
3) only for bug fix releases.
4) its optional to use the update system so dev still release updated files on site for the people that modify files.

So if this would to come to xenforo that's how i would like to see it set out.
I like this idea but i would like to see it set out like this,

1) not an auto update but one-click update
2) only super administrators (set in config or something) can run the updates.
3) only for bug fix releases.
4) its optional to use the update system so dev still release updated files on site for the people that modify files.

So if this would to come to xenforo that's how i would like to see it set out.
That's the way I set it out, more or less. Didn't think about user permissions explicitly, but that was obvious.
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