Auto Lock

Auto Lock 1.5

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Another useful add-on kind sir! Is it possible to customize the response to the inability for a member to revive a thread? I find sometimes it's new members making their first post to a year old thread.
can this be used to autolock all posts by a specific member? I.E I have a "registered feed" that auto RSS into my forum....and I dont want any replies!
thanks in advance andy!
It would be super cool if it was possible to specify a prefix for locked threads.

Would be excellent for a classifieds forum for example.
Never mind, seems my problem was using the auto upgrader to upgrade it. Upgraded manually and it is fine.
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Can this be used to automatically lock a thread in a certain forum as soon as it is posted? Sounds silly but I have a need for such an option.
Andy is pretty shy and doesn't like to reply in public discussions so I thought I would try to help him out in that area. He replied to me privately that this plugin cannot be used in the way I asked (or modified I assume). Thanks for the reply Andy.
Hey Andy... looks like even though I've specified "0" for prefix, when a thread gets locked, any previously existing prefix is removed. Uh-oh!
Another idea might be an auto-lock when thread is reported x amount of times. So if 5 members with say a decent history (older registration data + number of posts) report a thread enough times it is locked with a message "this thread has been auto locked pending moderation" or such.
Oh thank God!^_^

This is just what I need for my fanfiction forum! When authors post their notice in the Updates section, I would have had to lock their post. (They're only supposed to post once. Then it's locked. Prevents excessive bumping of the fic notice.) Now it will auto lock. I won't have to manually do it myself now.^_^

Thanks Andy!^_^ You're a lifesaver. You've solved a major problem of my fanfiction forum.
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