is there any way to automatically see the attachement (image) in the editorrow (creating a thread) without to press thumbnail or full image?
when i create threads i want to appere automatically full image, without pressing this 2 options... i supose i have to modificate this code:
some help please
this template is : helper_attach_upload
when i create threads i want to appere automatically full image, without pressing this 2 options... i supose i have to modificate this code:
some help please
this template is : helper_attach_upload
<xf:if is="$attachment.has_thumbnail AND !$noJsFallback">
<div class="contentRow-spaced contentRow-minor attachUploadList-insertRow js-attachmentInsertRow">
<span>{{ phrase('insert:') }}</span>
<span class="buttonGroup buttonGroup--aligned">
<xf:button class="button--small js-attachmentAction" data-action="thumbnail">
{{ phrase('thumbnail') }}
<xf:button class="button--small js-attachmentAction" data-action="full">
{{ phrase('full_image') }}