Attack ( DDoS ) the database


New member
Is it possible to attack xenforo on a database?
Heard that this is possible on pirated (not official) versions, and the license is protected from this?
No one is going to officially comment on differences in pirated versions. In fact the main reason someone might ask is they are worried about the risks of using it. So they aren't going to answer.

As far as vulnerabilities in Xenforo. There are currently no known unpatched issues.
Anything is possible with pirated code. Apart from being a schmuck, you don't know what the pirate may have added that could be giving them a backdoor into your database and server.

This exactly. With a pirated version you just don't know what you're getting. If you're looking to start a forum on a pirated version, opt for MyBB, PHPBB or SMF instead. You will be safer. As will your forum users.

In terms of DDoS attacks, any site regardless of software / host can receive DDoS attacks.
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