XF 2.0 Attach files isn't attaching


Well-known member
I just tried attaching a photo to a post clicking on the attach files button, the progress bar goes across but then the name of the file is striked thru and no image is shown. I've looked at the attachment options and there is no flash uploader or html5 options like there was in Xenforo 1.5. We had issues using the html5 uploader in 1.5. We upgraded to 2.0 last night. Anyone know whats going on and how to fix it? The only way to attach images is to use the insert image option in the formatting toolbar inside the post.
Looks like it has been going on since at least November 2017. I was looking in your “Post Your Pictures” sub-forum and a lot of images are missing. It seemed to be related to hotlinking to Google images at the time, which caused our forum some issues awhile back. If Kier cannot get to the bottom of it no one will!

Edit: Attaching a test image seemed to work for me in the Off topic sub forum.
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@jeb35 - mod security will impact users access to attach files?
View attachment 174259
Yes. Mod doesn't mean moderators or admins in general. Mod security is basically a firewall for a website. We've had a couple problems in our forum due to modsecurity and we have just had to contact host to have them whitelist whatever it is so we can do it. One was the attaching photos and the other was actually trying to setup adsense on xenforo 1.5, it wouldn't let us paste the ad info into the location, would give us an error.
Looks like it has been going on since at least November 2017. I was looking in your “Post Your Pictures” sub-forum and a lot of images are missing. It seemed to be related to hotlinking to Google images at the time, which caused our forum some issues awhile back. If Kier cannot get to the bottom of it no one will!

Edit: Attaching a test image seemed to work for me in the Off topic sub forum.
Its been fixed for awhile now. Seems the google issue is still there though. For some reason we just can't get our forum off the ground. But of course, me and the rest of the admins don't have time right now to do things. We tried facebook advertising but that didn't bring in any new members.
Its been fixed for awhile now. Seems the google issue is still there though. For some reason we just can't get our forum off the ground. But of course, me and the rest of the admins don't have time right now to do things. We tried facebook advertising but that didn't bring in any new members.

I bet it took awhile for Hard [OCP] and/or Anandtech to become the behemoths they are today. I would imagine the more exposure you can find opportunities for that really help, the better off you’ll be. I like your logo with the fans built into your forum title - PC Tech Forums. I wish I had a bunch of ideas to give you, but unfortunately I don’t. Hint: Hard [OCP] has a couple of their admins right here on this forum because they use XF now.
Mod security was only part of the problem. In a broad stroke, I'll say the problem was a technical debt that needed to be paid regarding https, SSL, DNS and cloudflare.

Was still on http, upgraded xF1-2. The ver2 attach files process will expose your sites issues to Cloudflare more so then xF1.x. The break here, was via Cloudflare. Was able to trigger the break a couple ways, and they weren't obvious. Like changing the default layout logo path to full URL.

SSL certificate, dedicated IP, updated scripts to use https. Any forwards (http-https) should be handled before pageload, so that your never responding unsecure. (.htaccess) Ensure your DNS is sorted. (I found intodns helpful. https://intodns.com/yoursite.com)

Careful. These types of security / DNS changes don't play well with those trying to learn as they go.
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