Astro What? - Astronomy & Astrophotography


Well-known member
Astro What? is a place to discuss astronomy and astrophotography, from beginner level (where I am at) to complex discussions.

Have recently brought the site back up after letting the domain lay fallow due to not having enough time to generate content for it, but that should be changing since I have new hardware to use to generate content with.

We are running (currently) XF 2.2.10 and utilizing the XF media gallery and resource manager. In addition, we are using Bob's fantastic Showcase, Articles Management System and Classifieds.
The style is from PixelExit and has been modified somewhat by me.
We have a grand total of 1 user (me, 2 if you count my Admin account). As I said, just starting over again after letting the site lay fallow for so long.

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Love it! I would make the starry background fixed so it stays put as you scroll.
Thanks for the suggestion. The main page background was easy enough to do.. but the header is a different matter. Will probably have to get @Russ to give me some hints.. ;)

actually... didn't... simply took modifying Header/Logo row in style properties to reflect background:none; in the extra CSS/LESS code box.
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Nice looking forum, keep up the good work. I've never been a big fan of dark style but I actually like this dark style. Fits the subject and the red highlights it well. Good luck with a successful forum.
ASI485MC through a NexStar 8se (need to get a reducer/flattener for it). Got some spacers coming in for the camera... they never ship enough until you get into the Pro model cameras. The only processing done to that image was it being scaled to a smaller size from original.

Get a decent camera with an adapter for a better results, maybe a full frame.
Have you considered adding a wiki to your site? It seems to me that this would be highly informative and useful to users.
I've toyed with it... but currently that's what AMS can be used for. My knowledge level isn't enough to really provide insightful input into one, and the user base is currently fairly small.
Love what you’ve done with your community. Amazing visuals.
Thanks... now if I can just get Gaia to play nice... maybe I can actually get out and capture more data for the site instead of being drawn to spending monies that I could use elsewhere! I'm back to looking at an Intel NUC and Stellarmate X... and ONLY because it would allow me to create another article for the site... not because I need it as my RPi4/OragePi3 solutions are working fine.. just need to generate more content.
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Finally broke down and created a XF page node to use as a landing page to reflect recent items of interest for the landing page and set it to be the home page for when you first hit the site.
Still learning how to tweak the page, but at least it is working.
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