Aperture // xenfocus.com

Aperture // xenfocus.com [Paid] 1.4.x

No permission to buy ($30.00)
You can upload a smaller version of your image and add the following to extra.css (it'll resize your image using css so it fills the entire area)

#blurredBackground, #clearBackground{ -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; }
Hi there, the forum menu tabs are being washed out against the background I am currently using. Is there a way to change either the opacity or make the background of the menu bar a dark grey?
Hi there, the forum menu tabs are being washed out against the background I am currently using. Is there a way to change either the opacity or make the background of the menu bar a dark grey?

Support is offered on my official forums. If possible, post a screenshot or URL so I can see the issue myself. :)
Does this work with 1.4.3? This page says it's only compatible with 1.3, but your forums say otherwise. Love the theme, though.
So, I am becoming very interested in this skin and may consider purchasing but that fact that it is not currently listed as being compatible with 1.4 concerns me. @Ehren any update on this?

EDIT: Just saw your above post. *You should update the page! :) *
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