Any list of ad locations?


Active member
I've been using the demo, and I see there are multiple ad locations in the templates (ad_something else). I've been experimenting with putting in ads to see where they go, but I was wondering: is there something available that specifically describes the ad locations? Also, is it possible to put an ad only below the first post in a thread and not after each post?
I can't see XenFr Ad Manager in this picture, in my forum. What should I do?

That list is generated by my add-on that I had stopped working on due to lack of time. Recently I have been able to free up some time to get back into working on a couple of add-ons.

Is the ad manager plugin the same as Xenforo hooks? Can I insert any type of code in there (not just for ads) and have it show up in those locations? Or are the hooks the same thing? I don't understand the difference or is it the same?

I treat them as hooks with the exception of thread list and message body ad locations. Those two I use the template_post_render class so I can control the position(s) in the thread list, or message number, to place an ad.
When placing advert banner in the header using the Ad_Header template, even if the banner is only small (say 350px wide and 80px high) and placed to the right, it forces any header image or logo down as the advert banner sits above it. This also pushes the forum navigation controls over the top of any content that sits below them, and introduces large triangles in the navigation. You can see this happening in the image posted further up the thread.
View attachment 16478

Is it possible to place an advert in the header and have it sit inside the confines of any header image or logo so they are side by side, rather than above it, so it doesn't force everything lower down the page?
Brilliant thank you Brogan! That's got it back in line, just one more question(!)...the banner now sits flush at the top of the header area, how would I bring it down to sit in the middle of the header space, so it has even area above and below it? I expect it's some sort of align centre but whatever I try the banner just sits right up the top.
I notice this thread cannot be easily found due to keywords being in graphics, so.....
This thread details where the following template morsels and template edits are for ad locations and ad banner location.
Brilliant thank you Brogan! That's got it back in line, just one more question(!)...the banner now sits flush at the top of the header area, how would I bring it down to sit in the middle of the header space, so it has even area above and below it? I expect it's some sort of align centre but whatever I try the banner just sits right up the top.
I would imagine that you could apply an inline style to the div, something like, "style="margin-top: 10px" for example.
In the demo site, I can't find this page in the "Application" section. I found the template list ad_something and inside them contain the <xen:hook=....>, Iguess that as it's a hook there must be somewhere to put the content but can't find one.

That is a screen shot of an Ads add-on I created a few years back. To see a current list of standard XenForo ad locations, go to:
Appearance > Styles > Templates and type in ad_ in the filter text box, :) Pick an ad location you would like to use, and paste your HTML in the template and save.
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