having a hard time figuring out which templates I need to change - is there any easy way to find that out, or is it trail and error reading through 900 of them?
I made a change to the account_visitor_menu, to add the user_id field, and it shows up right where I want it.
But I want to add the field to a few more places - like the panel that shows the user info on each of their posts, to start with. And probably on the member page, and the popup - pretty much any time the member name and group shows up, my users want the Id there too. Are the pages and templates documented in a way that is traceable? Or does it just take time to learn it all? Thanks.
I made a change to the account_visitor_menu, to add the user_id field, and it shows up right where I want it.
But I want to add the field to a few more places - like the panel that shows the user info on each of their posts, to start with. And probably on the member page, and the popup - pretty much any time the member name and group shows up, my users want the Id there too. Are the pages and templates documented in a way that is traceable? Or does it just take time to learn it all? Thanks.