Anonymous Posting

Anonymous Posting [Paid] 3.0.0

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Do users simply show up as 'Anonymous' or do you have a 4chan-style per-thread ID system?
Sorry i don’t understand your question?

On a lot of anonymous forums, like some boards on 4chan, every user is anonymous, but when they post in a thread, it gives them an ID that will be attached to all posts they make in that particular thread. When they post on another thread, they will have a different ID from their last one.

This allows you to know which anonymous person you're talking to while still giving them the freedom to say what they want without worry.



I was considering making a similar add-on for my own forum. But, hey, if yours does the majority of it already, I'll buy a copy ;)

The only other thing in addition to an ID system for me is the ability to allow anonymous posting only in certain nodes. My personal use case was to allow users to post anonymously in the politics section, but not in others.
On a lot of anonymous forums, like some boards on 4chan, every user is anonymous, but when they post in a thread, it gives them an ID that will be attached to all posts they make in that particular thread. When they post on another thread, they will have a different ID from their last one.

This allows you to know which anonymous person you're talking to while still giving them the freedom to say what they want without worry.



I was considering making a similar add-on for my own forum. But, hey, if yours does the majority of it already, I'll buy a copy ;)

The only other thing in addition to an ID system for me is the ability to allow anonymous posting only in certain nodes. My personal use case was to allow users to post anonymously in the politics section, but not in others.
If i understand correctly, each user will have an anonymous ID in thread and it's difference between threads. If that, this add-on does not have it.
On a lot of anonymous forums, like some boards on 4chan, every user is anonymous, but when they post in a thread, it gives them an ID that will be attached to all posts they make in that particular thread. When they post on another thread, they will have a different ID from their last one.

This allows you to know which anonymous person you're talking to while still giving them the freedom to say what they want without worry.



I was considering making a similar add-on for my own forum. But, hey, if yours does the majority of it already, I'll buy a copy ;)

The only other thing in addition to an ID system for me is the ability to allow anonymous posting only in certain nodes. My personal use case was to allow users to post anonymously in the politics section, but not in others.
Another thing, If same users replied into thread multiple times, so display same ID for that? It's weird.
Another thing, If same users replied into thread multiple times, so display same ID for that? It's weird.

Yeah, the idea is that it prevents a single person from pretending to be multiple users. In the case of a debate or something, it's important because, otherwise, someone will post multiple times attacking another individual or pretend to agree with themselves.

If you post multiple times in the same thread, each of your posts will be marked with the same ID that you were initially assigned on that thread. If you post in a different thread, you will be given a different ID. This allows you to retain anonymity, but mitigate astroturfing of any one thread in particular.

As an example, it might look a little something like this:

Interesting, since many have tried to create a anonymous posting add-on. A few questions:
  • How is this anonymous account created in the system? Does it use the same user table in the db or has it it´s own? Is it a full fledged account?
  • What about notification eMails and the alert system itself?
  • What do I see, when I click on the user profile? A user profile the user can manage himself?
  • How are permissions set? Can the use of the anonymous function be limited to specific usergroups?
Interesting, since many have tried to create a anonymous posting add-on. A few questions:
  • How is this anonymous account created in the system? Does it use the same user table in the db or has it it´s own? Is it a full fledged account?
  • What about notification eMails and the alert system itself?
  • What do I see, when I click on the user profile? A user profile the user can manage himself?
  • How are permissions set? Can the use of the anonymous function be limited to specific usergroups?
#1: There are no anonymous account. It's actually user. Add-on just handle it as anonymous.
#2: There are no emails and alerts when posting as anonymous
#3: You cannot click into anonymous user.
#4: Yes. It's have one.
Thanks for the fast reply. Are you planning on adding alerts, email- and push-notifications? Pretty vital - else a user won´t be informed about new posts there, if I understand it correct.
If I understand it correct, the anonymisation works more or less as like a rewrite rule in a htaccess-file. If the main user uses the anonymous function, his username gets rewritten to a unique value and spit out as profile/user information. Since XenForo still knows, who is who - and who the anonymous "account" belongs to -, why not sending the notifications to the main user? When your addon works like assumed, the user automaticly turns into the anonymous one, when he hits the thread. Or?

I purchased this add-on as I recently upgraded from VB 3.8x and we had an Anonymous forum where anonymous posting was allowed. I read how this was different- like the VB version required an "Anonymous" user to be created but this did not, it still seemed like it would work for our needs.

However in the first two minutes ot testing I posted an anonymous reply to a thread and then when I went to the Forum Index the last post in that thread show's my username, my avatar, and links to the "Anonymous" post when someone clicks on it. This isn't anonymous at all. Am I missing something?

There are other problems too but this is the biggest problem.

To be clear my setup is that I only want Anonymous posting to be available in a single forum so only the selected forum has the None Permissions set for groups to use the Anonymous add-on. No group has permission to view who made anonymous posts.

There is also a problem with the fact any moderator van view the IP address of the anonymous poster but that isn't as big an issue right now.

Any ideas on the forum index problem?

XF 2.1.0, PHP 7.1.26
I recently upgraded from VB 3.8x

I would say "finally". K´plah, BoP ;)
I posted an anonymous reply to a thread and then when I went to the Forum Index the last post in that thread show's my username, my avatar, and links to the "Anonymous" post when someone clicks on it. This isn't anonymous at all. Am I missing something?

There are other problems too but this is the biggest problem.

To be clear my setup is that I only want Anonymous posting to be available in a single forum so only the selected forum has the None Permissions set for groups to use the Anonymous add-on. No group has permission to view who made anonymous posts.

There is also a problem with the fact any moderator van view the IP address of the anonymous poster but that isn't as big an issue right now.

Wow. That´s a showstopper. I guess in What´s new, search and other instances the username was your own, too?
I would say "finally". K´plah, BoP ;)

Wow. That´s a showstopper. I guess in What´s new, search and other instances the username was your own, too?

Qapla' actually. :)

Yes, also in notifications... these were both anonymous posts....


I temporarily gave the anonymous permission to the entire registered and administrative groups in case it was because I limited it to the one forum, unfortunately no difference. Actual user was still visible in many places.
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