Implemented  Analytics Integration


Well-known member

I am thinking along the lines of some sort of Analytics integration into the system, or even, a custom analytics solution? Might be useful, but of course, this might be better off as a modification.

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You can include it yourself, but we cannot do it for you and distribute it due to the restrictions of the GPL.

Thanks Kier. I understand GPL limitations. I was wondering if you guys can provide a general purpose plain textarea in ACP somewhere. Content of that textarea should directly go to the head section of the public pages (immediately before </head> tag). This will enable us to add custom CSS, custom JavaScript and what not, without modifying any template. :-)
Thanks Kier. I understand GPL limitations. I was wondering if you guys can provide a general purpose plain textarea in ACP somewhere. Content of that textarea should directly go to the head section of the public pages (immediately before </head> tag). This will enable us to add custom CSS, custom JavaScript and what not, without modifying any template. :)

The thing is, that sort of edit is exactly what templates are for. If we provided empty text boxes to allow things to be inserted into templates without editing them, we might as well not have templates at all.
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