XF 2.1 Analyse Permissions of Guest


Well-known member
In the built-in Analyse Permissions tool, is there a way to analyze the non-user/guest "account"? I just want to do some permissions checks to make sure that I have my guest permissions setup correctly.

And if this is not something that can be done, can a mod move this thread over to the Suggestions forum?
Create a test account, set the primary (and only) user group as the unregistered user group, run the permissions analyser against the test account.
Awesome, thank you! This helped me solve the permissions issue in this thread: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/gifs-not-playing-for-guests-only-showing-thumbnails.171885/

I had checked the node where I was having issues and couldn't find a problem, but the Analyze Permission tool showed me that the permission was getting inherited from the parent category.
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