XF 1.5 Amazon SES Bounce Processing


Well-known member
Has anyone currently got automated bounce processing working with Amazon SES?

Looking at the bounce processing code and what Amazon sends (yes, got SNS forwarding to the bounce email address), it seems impossible that it could have ever worked.
There is no need for an add-on if you use SES. It works without problems out of the box.
Also, you don't need to activate SNS notifications.
I am skeptical of this given SES gives bounce notifications in a JSON format that XenForo clearly isn't set up to parse

You are confusing bounce mails with SNS notifications. You don't need to activate any SNS notifications (JSON) for bounce processing. In fact you should NOT activate it.

You just need to activate "Email Feedback Forwarding" in the settings of your SES domain. This will send a regular bounce mail to the sender address which will get Xenforo to act as you setup your bounce processing.
You are confusing bounce mails with SNS notifications. You don't need to activate any SNS notifications (JSON) for bounce processing. In fact you should NOT activate it.

You just need to activate "Email Feedback Forwarding" in the settings of your SES domain. This will send a regular bounce mail to the sender address which will get Xenforo to act as you setup your bounce processing.
Email feedback forwarding only accounts for a very tiny fraction of “bounces”.
The SNS style notifications are far more prolific
Email feedback forwarding only accounts for a very tiny fraction of “bounces”.
The SNS style notifications are far more prolific

We use this setup for a long time now with all our XenForo sites without any problems. It covers all bounce messages any regular SMTP server would also cover. SES works out of the box for bounce processing without any add-ons just as any other SMTP server would.

If you insist to use SNS notifications, you certainly need an add-on. ;)
I think by default it just sends a Return-Path header which just sends a bounce notification back to the address you specify and XF only uses that to determine whether it's a hard or soft bounce and handles it based on that AFAIK. xfrocks' add-on does use SNS I believe, though I'm not 100% sure what additional handling he does with this
You are confusing bounce mails with SNS notifications. You don't need to activate any SNS notifications (JSON) for bounce processing. In fact you should NOT activate it.

You just need to activate "Email Feedback Forwarding" in the settings of your SES domain. This will send a regular bounce mail to the sender address which will get Xenforo to act as you setup your bounce processing.
Would this work with a gmail alias (mypersonalemail+bounce@gmail) or do we need a whole gmail account dedicated to bounces (bounces34234@gmail)?

And that "bounces34234@gmail" email also needs to be listed in the "Bounced email address" field at "options/groups/emailOptions/" right? Nowhere else?
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