Almost ready


Active member
I have came really close to buying and making the switch from vb4 for xenforo. The only thing stopping me is a few questions.

1. How hard is the switch from vb to xenforo?
2. Will i keep all members, and posts?
3. Have yet to see many highly modded xenforo boards (mods, templates, plugins ect..)
4. How hard to learn xenforo after years of vb?
5.How do those of you that have made the switch feel about your decision?

I am looking to do this over this next few days, so all input would be great. Thank you.
Thanks for the input Jeremy. Is there add-ons such as a shoutbox/chatbox? Different user ranks? Video embedders?
When buying the installation service do they transfer everything from vb for you?
I am really liking the style, cleanliness, ect... Been reading some people are happy with the switch and some switch right back to vb. I have been ready to checkout 3 times already then exit and review some more
Based on the recent posts from that member here, he is currently running XenForo.

Whether that is on a different forum I couldn't say.

Only you can make the decision as to which software is right for your needs though.
Based on the recent posts from that member here, he is currently running XenForo.

Whether that is on a different forum I couldn't say.

Only you can make the decision as to which software is right for your needs though.
Yes, that was me. I'm back on XenForo. A majority of the negatives listed in my post at have been fixed / were added in 1.2.
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